This date is April 26, 2012 at 10:30-12:30.
Nimbus Data presented at Storage Tech Field Day 3 on Thursday, April 26, 2012. Watch the presentation below, and follow our SFD1 Links page for reactions and responses from the delegates!
Tom Isakovich introduces Nimbus Data to the Storage Field Day delegates
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Tom Isakovich introduces Nimbus Data to the Storage Field Day delegates. Tom talks about their “Sustainable Storage” vision and his predictions for the solid state storage market. He then introduces the Nimbus Data line: The E-Class (for Enterprise or Efficiency) and the S-Class (for Speed and Simplicity).
Personnel: Tom Isakovich
Nimbus HALO Operating System Overview
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Tom Isakovich introduces the Nimbus HALO operating system, touching on the following points:
- The Nimbus system is all-inclusive with regard to software
- Administration with the CLI, REST API, and GUI (future)
- Multi-protocol interface (iSCSI, NFS, SMB/CIFS, Fibre Channel, InfiniBand SRP)
- Thin provisioning, replication, snapshots, deduplication, encryption
- Standards: T10 thin provisioning, ALUA multi-pathing
- The Nimbus flash-optimized file system and multi-enclosure aggregation
- Performance impact from on-the-fly data deduplication
- Integration with VMware (VAAI), Citrix Ready, Microsoft (VSS), Oracle
Nimbus Market and Pricing
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Comparing the pricing of a traditional hard disk drive-based storage array with the Nimbus all-flash array. Tom Isakovich’s comparison includes hardware, overhead, licensing, and support to reach a lower cost before deduplication or compression. He then talks about use cases for all-flash storage and recent Nimbus customer wins.
Personnel: Tom Isakovich
Nimbus Performance Tests and Closing Points
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Demartek recently tested the Nimbus S-Class, and Tom Isakovich discusses the results. The device reached line-rate over QDR InfiniBand (8 GB/s uncached reads, 2.3 GB/s writes). Demartek also validated VMware VAAI and SSD compatibility under vSphere 5.
Tom then hits some discussion points:
- Unified flash storage
- Tier-0 vs. tier-1
- PCIe vs. array storage
- Deduplication
- Hybrid vs. dedicated all-flash
- Scale-up vs. scale-out
- Memory Area Networks with InfiniBand or 40 GbE