
Download the Tech Field Day Brief!

Event Information & Sponsor Opportunity

You should also read our Results and Metrics page, as well as “Why Your Company Should Be A Part of Tech Field Day” by Bob Plankers

Thank you for your interest in Tech Field Day events from The Futurum Group!

These unique events bring together innovative IT product vendors with independent thought leaders who have immense influence on the ways that products and companies are perceived and understood by the general public. The world of media has changed, with social media and video gaining special importance, especially when faced with a tidal wave of AI-generated text. Tech Field Day presentations are streamed live on Techstrong TV and LinkedIn and are an opportunity for you to share compelling stories about your product offerings with a wide IT decision maker audience.

Sponsorship Opportunity

Sponsor Benefits: Engage and inform key influencers about your technology and vision! Your participation in the event is an opportunity to ensure that your company’s offerings are well understood by those who have the power to influence IT decision makers and reach them directly through streaming video. Tech Field Day is a rare opportunity for you to interact directly in an open, friendly environment with key influencers.

Sponsors get the following:

  • A simple, turn-key event with everything but the presentation taken care of
  • A dedicated time slot with the entire delegate group
  • An off-camera feedback session with the delegate panel
  • Participation in an informal evening mixer
  • Promotion at TechFieldDay.com, LinkedIn, and all of The Futurum Group channels
  • Professionally-produced live streaming video on Techstrong TV and LinkedIn

Presentation Format: Presentations range from two short videos (for our Introduction session) to a full day, with the standard Tech Field Day session lasting 90 minutes on camera. Each Tech Field Day event lasts a few days with morning and afternoon sessions each day. Each sponsorship slot includes a technical presentation and delegate feedback discussion off camera. Presentation topics and presenters are up to the sponsors, but we suggest focusing on technologies, product strategy, and functionality. Expect pointed questions, honest feedback, open minds, and lots of public commentary.

The preferred location for presentations and hands-on sessions is the local office of presenting sponsors, however we can arrange conference facilities for presentations by non-local sponsors or those without appropriate presentation space.

Note: No NDA material should be presented, but attendees will obey embargo dates for near-future product releases.

Here’s a list of recent Tech Field Day sponsors:

Delegate Profile

The delegate panel is an invite-only group of thought leaders, including influencers, analysts, and press. This event focuses on non-traditional industry thought leaders with a technical background and wide-ranging audience. Despite its power to influence all of these folks (and many others), this community is still not as well-served by traditional trade shows, analyst days, and conference calls and Tech Field Day has built this flourishing new-media community for over 15 years.

Invitees are carefully selected. We will invite a dozen of the best known, most respected independent technical influencers. Expect them to actively write blogs, participate in online communities, engage with user groups, and share their insight and knowledge about IT infrastructure products. Most attendees are full-time IT staffers, contractors, integrators, and community leaders in the areas of focus we cover. We also include some professional analysts from The Futurum Group and other friendly analyst firms.

Advice for Presentations

Over the course of three years, the delegates have given much feedback on what works and what doesn’t when presenting at Tech Field Day. Presenters are wise to follow these recommendations!

Next Steps

If you’d like to be involved, please visit our page, Present at Tech Field Day, and fill out the form. Otherwise, you may contact us directly:

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