Results and Metrics

Tech Field Day is not a typical expo or trade show, nor is it a webinar focused on lead generation. It is a special opportunity to produce compelling technical content and connect with IT decision makers and influencers.

Live Video Audience

Most Tech Field Day sessions are streamed live on our website, our LinkedIn page, and Techstrong TV. Thanks to promotion across The Futurum Group and a strong follower base, we typically see hundreds of viewers watch live during each Tech Field Day presentation and many more watch the “short tail” viewership immediately afterward.

We encourage presenters to make their presentations interactive and engaging, pulling the audience in and encouraging them to continue watching. Our delegates help, thanks to their informed questions and comments throughout the presentation. Presenters are welcome to share calls-to-action during their session, and many include URLs and QR codes to invite participation from viewers.

Post-Event Video Viewership

As soon as possible after each event, we post video recordings the Tech Field Day YouTube channel, where we have over 50,000 subscribers. These videos have proven very popular with our technical audience, and many draw hundreds or thousands of viewers. As is the case for live viewership, we find that companies that help publicize their videos get larger audiences, though some videos seem to take off regardless of effort!

Across all of our events and market segments, the average Tech Field Day presenter will be featured in four videos with an average of over 1,300 views per video since we launched Tech Field Day. Many of these are prospective customers, and many go on to buy. Many Field Day presenters tell of new customers saying “I heard about you during Tech Field Day and I was impressed!

Thought Leadership and Engagement

Independent thought leaders like our Tech Field Day delegates don’t allow guest posts, won’t sell links, and can’t be paid to write. That’s why their readers love what they have to say!

As part of Tech Field Day, presenting companies can count on coverage here at, on social media, and on LinkedIn. Although we cannot guarantee coverage by our delegates, we are very open with the results we have seen in the past. We maintain a complete list of Tech Field Day coverage on this site. These are also collected on each Event, Sponsor, and Delegate page.

Perhaps the most-important reason to get involved with Tech Field Day is to become part of the conversation.

Funnel Activation

Although Tech Field Day events do not generate leads or sales directly, they are strong influencers of interest and customer activity. We can also transform Tech Field Day content into demand generation activity thanks to our partner, Techstrong Group.

If you would like more information on these statistics or to talk to a previous presenter, please contact [email protected].