Sharon Azulai Introduces Plexistor
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Plexistor CEO Sharon Azulai introduces the company and presents their vision. He discusses “the era of now”, the Storage Class Memory challenge, and presents Plexistor’s storage system for SCM.
Personnel: Sharon Azulai
Plexistor Architecture, Features, and Benefits
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Plexistor CEO Sharon Azulai discusses their SCM solution, its architecture, features and benefits of using Plexistor, and the target market.
Personnel: Sharon Azulai
Plexistor Technology Primer
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Plexistor CTO, Amit Golander, PhD, gives a deep dive into the worlds of storage and memory. He discusses Software-Defined Memory, storage and memory latency and convergence, and the performance results one can see when using Plexistor.
Personnel: Amit Golander
Big Data and SDM with Plexistor
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Plexistor CTO, Amit Golander, PhD, presents a case for Software-Defined Memory for Big Data workloads.
Personnel: Amit Golander, Sharon Azulai