Jake Snyder

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Jake is a Systems Engineer focused on designing and deploying wireless networks in the Pacific Northwest.

23 Links with Tag @JSnyder81, @WiFiGrump

  1. AI for the Sake of AI? Or the Start Something Else?
  2. Metageek Plus/Pro and Rampart
  3. The Contention Window: S1E13 : MFD4 Hodgepodge & Wrapup
  4. Wearing Superhero Capes Around the Office
  5. Blogging and Vendor Blowback
  6. Mojo Networks: Driving Value With Open Hardware Standards
  7. Mist Systems: A first look
  8. One week to MFD2: What’s in store
  9. CMX Cloud with Mobility Express is here
  10. Aruba AP 330: Resilience and RF Performance in the Access Layer
  11. Cradlepoint as a Backup WAN
  12. Transmit Failure: #WFD8 and the ACMA
  13. Post WFD7 RX-SOP Musings
  14. Avaya: Building the Shortest Path Bridge
  15. Airtight and Scrape: An Interesting Social Wifi Use Case
  16. Why SDN is coming to a wireless network near you
  17. Airtight Networks: A look at WIPS Part 2 – Over the Air
  18. Airtight Networks: A look at WIPS – Part 1
  19. Onward to Wireless Field Day 6
  20. WLW051 – It’s All About the People
  21. Begun, the Chipset Wars Have
  22. Getting On Board with On-boarding products
  23. The Next Adventure: Wireless Field Day 5

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