Justin Paul

Justin Paul is a Project Engineer at DP Sciences focused in the areas of storage and virtualization. He has been voted one of the top virtualization related blogger, as well as a recipient of several vendor recognition awards including VMware’s vExpert program (1 of 400) and the new EMC Elect program (1 of 75).

Besides blogging, his articles have also been published in the Dayton Technology First IT journal. He holds many certifications, some of which include VMware VCAP-DCD5, VCP5-DV, and EMCIE for VNX.

Justin attended the University of Dayton and majored in Computer Information Systems. He has also attended several technology specific training classes.

At his first job he was repeatedly pulled aside for thinking outside of the box and using solutions other than what was “in the book”. He still strives to break the “norm” and use innovative solutions and technologies for creative problem solving.