A techy at heart, Ivan thrives in navigating evolving business innovation and technology trends and crafting technical and marketing messaging that creates awareness, educates target audiences, differentiates businesses, and fulfills complex requirements.
Guy Currier
CTO at Visible Impact | Guy studies technologies and products to reveal and articulate their value for the benefit of organizations and communities.
Maciej Lelusz
Mostly techie, sometimes manager shaping IT transformation with cloud, datacenter, and edge expertise.
Allyson Klein
Allyson Klein’s insatiable curiosity about innovation led her to found The TechArena covering all things edge to cloud.
Ben Young
Specializes in the automation and integration of a broad range of cloud & virtualization technologies.
John Osmon
Holding no certs, people often wonder why anyone listens to John. His attempts to raise involvement and awareness by channeling the Bad Idea Fairy is often seen as disruptive.
Brian Knudtson
Using a wide-range of professional experiences to contribute to businesses and community
Jim Czuprynski
Jim Czuprynski is an in-demand public speaker and technology advocate focused mainly on databases, analytics, spatial/graph, and AI.
Gina Rosenthal
Product Marketing leader who knows how to turn complex technology into stories that inspire and connect.