Clarence Filfils

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Clarence Filsfils is a Fellow at Cisco Systems where he holds key roles in Engineering and Marketing.

Clarence has played a leadership role in the development of Quality of Service (QoS), IP/MPLS Routing Resiliency, Large-Scale Routing and IP/Optical Integrated Control-Plane technology at Cisco Systems.

Clarence leads the Segment Routing (SR) project in terms of technology definition, productization, marketing, customer engagement and standardization.

Clarence is a regular speaker at leading industry Conferences and Standards Development Organizations like the IETF. Clarence holds over 100 patents and has published several industry technology papers on Routing and QoS. Clarence is the author of the “Service Provider deployments of Quality of Service”.

Clarence holds a Masters in Management from Solvay Business School and a Masters of Engineering in Computer Science from the University of Liege.