Joe Houghes

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I am a Senior Infrastructure Engineer from Texas that covers all platforms including compute, virtualization, storage, network, datacenter infrastructure, and operating systems. I also work around the architecture and automation of each of those components.

I am focused on automating all of us out of our usual IT jobs and freeing us to perform higher-level tasks, which relies heavily from my 15 years of experience within the enterprise, financial, healthcare, vendor partner and SMB spaces.

On the side, I am one of the leaders of both the Austin VMware & PowerShell User Groups. I can typically be found in training sessions preaching the need for sharing and understanding technologies that we leverage to do all the things better.

I’m easy to spot by the big grin and the greeting of “Howdy Y’all”, and I’m glad to share anything that I can to help others. My long-term hope is to ensure that we are the last generation with IT horror stories.

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