Markus Leinonen


A technology junkie fascinated by all the nuts & bolts and blinking LED’s…constantly thinking of the added business value of all those flashy bells&whistles.

That killer combo spiced with open and social character makes me an unrivaled technology professional with a rare mix of deep technical skills, excellent presentation abilities and business understanding.


I have helped countless technology companies and thousands of enterprise IT professionals on 4 continents and 30 countries by delivering demanding trainings and consultation with exceptional customer feedback and measurable business benefits.

Those consultation projects range from large-scale business critical cloud computing projects to small bespoke on-site consulting. Training events have varied from audiences of hundreds of people to intense one-to-one sparrings.

Not to forget: there’s a hint of programmer blood still coursing thru my veins since I began my professional career almost 20 years ago as a software developer participating in various highly demanding and comprehensive software projects. Thanks to that invaluable knowledge, I also know how the magic of software really happens.


Feeling at home with hardware AND software technologies from technical AND business point of view, I am currently concentrating on putting all that experience and enthusiasm to a test in helping enterprise IT companies in their sales efforts by telling their stories with high quality videos, webinars and on-site events.

Exciting times!


Brings something even more fascinating…and it comes with bells&whistles. You can mark that down! :)

Find out more from my YouTube channel: