Nikki Schnupp

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Rock-climber, runner, writer, traveler, member of the California Bar, ex-barista, past organizer of outdoor trips and engineer of adventures, former private-high-school English and History teacher, Nikki then turned to software development, and began teaching herself PHP, MySQL, etc. Not content, however, interacting mainly with a screen, she stumbled upon Foskett Services where, happily, she can combine her passions for people (especially geeks), events, verbosity, and travel with her taste for technology.

While Nikki supports the company with general planning, logistics, and delegate wrangling, she mainly orchestrates Security and Cloud events. Nikki sees Tech Field Day as a crucial contributor to the currently critical conversation about the present state and the future of technology: By bringing expert-influencers together with innovative companies, the dialogue deepens and the opportunity for learning and innovation expands for everyone involved. Nikki works out of our Hudson, Ohio office.