Appearances and Videos tagged with Personnel: Chandra Reddy, sorted by most recent:
- October 2, 2017: Video: Actifio Test Data Management for DevOps with Chandra Reddy
- October 2, 2017: Video: Oracle ASM Switch & Rebalance with Actifio with Chandra Reddy
- October 2, 2017: Video: Actifio Cloud Mobility and Global Catalog Cloud Search with Chandra Reddy
- June 23, 2016: Video: Actifio ReadyVault and Object Storage
- June 23, 2016: Video: Actifio Global Manager Oracle and Ansible Demo
- June 23, 2016: Video: Actifio Global Manager Overview and SQL Server Demo
- June 23, 2016: Video: Actifio Resiliency Director Overview and Demo
- June 23, 2016: Video: Actifio Architecture Overview
- May 25, 2016: Appearance: Actifio Presents at Tech Field Day 11