Tech Field Day Roundtable at Aruba 802.11ac Day
Tech Field Day will join Aruba Networks for a special event focused on 802.11ac Wi-Fi! Learn more at www.arubanetworks.com/11ac/.
Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld US 2012
Tech Field Day is coming to VMworld US 2012! VMworld is the hottest ticket in the IT Infrastructure industry, and we always encourage our delegates to attend. As in the past, we’ve secured sponsorship from VMworld exhibitors to help pay the cost of airfare, hotel, and event passes for folks who otherwise would not be […]
Storage Field Day 1
For the first time, Gestalt IT will host a special IT storage-focused Field Day event in April 2012! This unique event brings together innovative enterprise storage vendors and independent thought leaders, allowing them to get to know one another and discuss key technology issues. It is a forum for engagement, education, hands-on experience, and feedback. This is Gestalt IT’s third […]
Solid-State Storage Symposium
Data storage is changing, with solid-state technologies presenting a unique challenge to spinning disks. But not all solid-state storage is equivalent, and new architectures will be needed to apply solid-state enterprise use cases. On April 25, 2012 the industry will come together at the Solid State Storage Symposium! This all-day in-person event features panelists from […]
Networking Field Day 3
Gestalt IT’s third networking-focused Field Day event was held on March 29 and 30 in Silicon Valley! This unique event brings together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders, allowing them to get to know one another. It is a forum for engagement, education, hands-on experience, and feedback. This is Gestalt IT’s third year […]
Tech Field Day Roundtable at Aruba Airheads 2012
Tech Field Day came to the Aruba Airheads 2012 conference in Las Vegas on March 22 in the form of a Delegate Roundtable. We were pleased to reunite Wireless Field Day 2 alums, Samuel Clements, Dan Cybulskie, Jennifer Huber, and Chris Lyttle for this discussion, which also involved up-and-coming wireless blogger, Sean Rynearson. These independent voices were […]
Tech Field Day 6
Gestalt IT’s first-ever virtualization-focused Field Day event was held on June 9 and 10 in Boston! This unique event brings together innovative IT product vendors and independent thought leaders, allowing them to get to know one another. It is a forum for engagement, education, hands-on experience, and feedback. This is Gestalt IT’s third year of […]