Packet Pushers is a network of deeply technical podcasts, blogs, and newsletters for IT practitioners. Our podcasts cover enterprise networking, public and private cloud, infrastructure, and professional development.
Greg Ferro
Greg is a freelance Network Architect and Engineer, host of Packet Pushers Podcast and semi-professional writer.
Brocade Virtual Symposium 2012
Packet Pushers and Tech Field Day hosted a Virtual Symposium focused on Ethernet fabrics. We were joined by Chip Copper, Principal Engineer for our sponsor, Brocade, as well as many Networking Field Day 3 delegates. Brocade Virtual Symposium Introduction from Stephen Foskett on Vimeo. About the Organizers Tech Field Day is a regular event that brings […]
Openflow Symposium 2011
Topics of Discussion OpenFlow vision How will you bring products to market. Will this threaten existing lines of business Will ONF be successful against Soft Switches ? Or OpenStack ? What is the moentisation process ? Are there changes to the silicon ? Will the industry change, welcome new entrants. OpenFlow has made a big […]