Open Source Helps Small Businesses Modernize Applications

Open-source platforms and managed services are a huge help when it comes to modernizing applications, especially for smaller businesses. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast, recorded at AppDev Field Day, includes Stephen Foskett and Paul Nashawaty discussing the challenges and solutions for small businesses in modernizing applications.

Mezmo Data Management, Observability and More

Paul Nashawaty recently caught up with Mezmo at AppDev Field Day, and this DevOps Dialogue offers insight into their data management and observability platform, emphasizing its strength in extracting actionable value from telemetry data. The discussion explores how Mezmo stands out in the crowded market of observability tools by not just collecting data but also by making it comprehensible and useful for businesses. Check out the Mezmo presentation from AppDev Field Day for more detail!

App Modernization, a Measured Exercise or a No-Brainer?

Sulagna Saha reports on the delegate roundtable on the topic of app modernization lead by Paul Nashawaty at AppDev Field Day ADFD1 last month. Is modernization a judicious strategic move or an obvious necessity? Her article unpacks the complexities and risks associated with updating legacy applications, alongside the potential benefits of agility, scalability, and improved user experiences. Through this discourse, Sulagna aims to enlighten IT decision-makers on the careful deliberation required when contemplating the modernization of their application landscape.

Incident Analysis Under Minutes, With Catchpoint Internet Performance Monitoring

Sulagna Saha from Gestalt IT discusses the efficiency of Catchpoint’s Internet Performance Monitoring solution, emphasizing its ability to conduct incident analysis in mere minutes. The tool’s speedy diagnostics are designed to help businesses swiftly pinpoint and resolve internet performance issues, minimizing downtime and improving user experience. Her article illustrates the competitive edge that Catchpoint offers to organizations by enabling rapid responses to network incidents in an increasingly connected world. Read more in this article inspired by Catchpoint’s presentation at AppDev Field Day!

Mezmo Telemetry Pipeline – Aggregate, Transform, Distribute

Sulagna Saha covers the Mezmo presentation from AppDev Field Day for Gestalt IT, considering the capabilities of Mezmo’s Telemetry Pipeline, detailing how it allows businesses to aggregate, transform, and distribute telemetry data efficiently. She illustrates the versatility of the platform in handling vast streams of data, enabling customizable processing, and facilitating seamless distribution to various analysis tools. The article demonstrates Mezmo’s commitment to streamlining data operations, underscoring its importance for organizations in achieving real-time insights and maintaining a competitive edge.

When Every Millisecond Counts

Kati Lehmuskoski emphasizes the critical significance of milliseconds in today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where speed and quick response times can be the determining factors in success or failure. In her LinkedIn Pulse article sparked by the Catchpoint presentation at AppDev Field Day, she explores the impact that latency has on business operations and customer experiences, particularly in sectors such as finance where every millisecond can have substantial repercussions. Lehmuskoski’s insights shed light on the ever-increasing need for technologies and solutions that can streamline processes and shave off precious time, underscoring the competitive edge that such enhancements can provide.

Telemetry Data – Taking Data Management to Next Level

Kati Lehmuskoski explores the world of telemetry data, spotlighting its pivotal role in elevating data management practices. She stresses how telemetry, with its detailed and real-time data collection capabilities, is revolutionizing the way organizations monitor and analyze their systems and operations. Lehmuskoski’s piece articulates the transformative potential of telemetry in providing deeper insights, enabling proactive decision-making, and ultimately, driving businesses forward in an increasingly data-centric world. Read more in this LinkedIn Pulse article inspired by Mezmo’s presentation at AppDev Field Day.

Optimal Developer Experience With Google Cloud Run, and New Product Updates

Sulagna Saha provides insights following AppDev Field Day into how Google Cloud Run is optimizing the developer experience, offering a scalable and efficient solution for running containerized applications. She highlights the latest product updates that cater to the needs of developers seeking to leverage managed services with minimal overhead. The article sheds light on the continuous evolution of Google Cloud Run, reflecting Google’s commitment to streamlining cloud workflows and simplifying deployment processes.

Navigating the Future of Digital Performance and the Role of Comprehensive Monitoring Solutions

Sam Holschuh discusses the critical nature of comprehensive monitoring solutions in steering the future of digital performance in his article. He emphasizes that, as digital landscapes become increasingly complex, having in-depth visibility across IT ecosystems is essential for businesses to deliver seamless user experiences and maintain operational efficiency. The article underscores the necessity for robust monitoring tools capable of providing actionable insights and empowering organizations to proactively manage digital performance challenges. This LinkedIn Pulse article follows Catchpoint’s AppDev Field Day presentation.

As Application Developers, Why Should We Monitor the Internet?

Jack Poller probes the importance of internet monitoring for application developers, addressing the critical impact of external network issues on app performance and user satisfaction. He advocates for proactive measures, suggesting developers should extend their monitoring beyond internal systems to include the broader internet landscape that affects end-to-end application delivery. Poller’s perspective underscores the necessity of comprehensive oversight in ensuring applications function reliably in the vast and unpredictable terrain of the internet. Read more in this LinkedIn Pulse article inspired by Catchpoint’s presentation at AppDev Field Day.

Enhancing Digital Experience: Catchpoint’s Enterprise IPM Solution Shines at AppDev Field Day

Paul Nashawaty spotlights Catchpoint’s Enterprise Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) solution unveiled at AppDev Field Day, underscoring its impact on enhancing digital experiences. Catchpoint’s IPM tool distinguishes itself by offering comprehensive real-time visibility into application performance and end-user experience. Nashawaty’s article conveys the significance of advanced monitoring solutions as essential assets for businesses aiming to deliver superior digital services in a competitive market.

Exploring Google Cloud’s Cloud Run: Advantages and Limitations

Sam Holschuh delves into the strengths and constraints of Google Cloud’s Cloud Run service, offering a balanced perspective on its capabilities. His article highlights Cloud Run’s ease of deployment for containerized applications and its managed environment that abstracts underlying infrastructure complexities. However, Holschuh also points out limitations regarding granular control and customization that developers may face, prompting careful consideration when selecting a platform for specific project needs. Learn more in this LinkedIn Pulse article inspired by Google’s AppDev Field Day presentation.

Is There a Chief Resiliency Officer in Your Future?

In this LinkedIn Pulse article following AppDev Field Day, Alan Shimel contemplates the growing importance of corporate resilience in the face of disruptive events, questioning the necessity for dedicated leadership in the form of a Chief Resiliency Officer. He argues that the acceleration of digital transformation and the increasing complexity of IT environments make a strong case for such a role. Shimel’s article invites discussion on how organizations can best prepare for unforeseen challenges by prioritizing resilience strategy at the executive level.

Mezmo: Telemetry Data Management for Observability and Security

Sam Holschuh discusses Mezmo’s telemetry data management solution following their AppDev Field Day presentation, highlighting its pivotal role in enhancing both observability and security for modern IT infrastructures. Mezmo’s platform provides teams with the tools needed to manage vast streams of telemetry data effectively, turning raw data into actionable insights. The article underscores the importance of robust data management in achieving comprehensive system observability and maintaining stringent security postures.

Catchpoint Works to Catch Your App’s Sticking Point

Guy Currier presents an overview of how Catchpoint’s performance monitoring tools are adept at pinpointing issues within applications that may hinder user experience. Catchpoint’s approach focuses on identifying and resolving the “sticking points” that can affect application smoothness and efficiency. His article illuminates how deploying such sophisticated monitoring solutions can be crucial for organizations to maintain optimal application performance and ensure customer satisfaction. Learn more about Catchpoint’s AppDev Field Day presentation in this LinkedIn Pulse article!

The AppDev Tech Field Day Report: GCP Cloud Run Demo and a GKE Comparison

Alan Shimel reports from AppDev Field Day with a discussion of GCP Cloud Run and compares it to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), elucidating key differences and use cases for developers. This comprehensive review offers insights into how each service can streamline cloud-native development and operations, assisting in making informed decisions for application deployment. The report serves as a valuable resource for understanding the nuances between fully managed serverless platforms and container orchestration systems within the Google Cloud ecosystem.

Network Visibility for Application Performance

Michael Levan dives into the critical role of network visibility in optimizing application performance following the Catchpoint presentation at AppDev Field Day. He emphasizes how in-depth insights into network activity can pinpoint issues affecting application efficiency and user experience. Understanding the interconnectedness of network infrastructure and application behavior is essential for IT professionals to maintain high performance and rapid issue resolution.

Google Cloud & Cloud Run: Helping Developers Build Faster?

Jack Poller addresses how Google Cloud’s Cloud Run service is accelerating the development process for programmers in this LinkedIn Pulse article for AppDev Field Day. He highlights the platform’s capacity to streamline projects by handling infrastructure management tasks, allowing developers to focus on writing and deploying code. Poller suggests that Cloud Run could be a key tool for developers seeking to deliver applications more quickly and efficiently in a competitive tech landscape.

Optimizing Observability With Mezmo

Jack Poller discusses the critical role of Mezmo, previously known as LogDNA, in optimizing the observability of complex IT systems. He explains how Mezmo offers comprehensive tools for log management and analytics that aid teams in maintaining system health and quickly resolving incidents. Poller’s article emphasizes the importance of effective observability in today’s IT infrastructure and how Mezmo stands out in supporting these operational needs.

Google Cloud at AppDev Field Day by Empowering Developers With Cloud Run

In this LinkedIn Pulse article for AppDev Field Day, Paul Nashawaty highlights Google Cloud’s participation at AppDev Field Day, focusing on their empowerment of developers through Cloud Run. The service’s serverless infrastructure allows for easy scaling and streamlined workflows, helping developers to efficiently deploy applications. Nashawaty’s summary underscores Google Cloud’s dedication to simplifying the developer experience and fostering productivity with their innovative Cloud Run offering.