Network Field Day 23 Overview, or Throw Out Your Net Management Tools, They’re Obsolete!

There is a network management revolution going on, and legacy systems are no longer going to cut it. Airvine, Apstra, Arista, Boradcom, Catchpoint, Cisco, Intel, IP Fabric, Juniper Networks and PathSolutions came together at Network Field Day 23 to showcase how each of their products is making waves in the network management space. Peter Welcher, Network Field Day 23 delegate and tech expert came to the conclusion that it is time to modernize company’s network management tools, or die, based on what he saw at the event.

NFD23 – CatchPoint

As a delegate Gian Paolo Boarina had the chance to see Catchpoint present earlier this month at Networking Field Day and was impressed with their Digital Experience Monitoring platform. He writes that Catchpoint is a tool every Ops team might want to have because it provides visibility and analytics in a simple way to help diagnose connectivity problems. Through a dynamic presentation and demo, Catchpoint was able to showcase their monitoring product. Be sure to check out Catchpoint’s presentation and demo as well as Gian Paolo’s thoughts on his blog.

Looking Forward to Network Field Day 23

Pete Welcher posted about our September Networking Field Day event over on LinkedIn. He’s looking forward to the event overall, but the highlight of this article are his thoughts about the presenting companies. He mentions Arista, Cisco, Juniper Networks, and Palo Alto, which he calls “four of the top five” networking companies. He’s also keen on seeing Apstra, Broadcom, Catchpoint, Intel, PathSolutions, and VMware, though the latter is not able to present at this event this time.