Forward Networks Gets Cloudy

Forward Networks, a significant player in the Digital Twin product space, showcased their advanced capabilities at Cloud Field Day in January, focusing primarily on network assurance tool development. In addition to expanding its product range to accommodate more devices/vendors and protocols, Forward Networks now also gathers and models cloud state data to predict network behaviour efficiently. Moving towards cloud footprints’ visualization with Amazon, Azure, and Google, Forward Networks has emerged as a real outperformer in managing security and complex application flows, and devising fast, intuitive solutions to complicated problems.

Seeing Through Hybrid Multi-Cloud With Forward Networks

In this Tech Note article at Gestalt IT, Justin Warren discusses the challenges of securing cloud environments in the world of hybrid multi-cloud. He emphasizes that full visibility and understanding of network configurations are crucial for effective security. Forward Networks, known for network observability, offers a solution that simplifies the complex topology of cloud environments, provides consistent visibility across networks, and enables operators to ask the right security questions. Warren highlights the importance of combining existing techniques with new methods to navigate the diversity of environments and avoid overwhelming complexity. Read more in this article, which was sponsored by Forward Networks.

Easy, Verified M&A With Forward Networks

Forward Networks can ease the process of integrating networks after a merger or acquisition, regardless of the platforms or deployments. The company builds a digital twin of an environment and collects information to model the network and provide comparison capabilities between points in time, ensuring better observability and pinpointing changes in the environment. Forward Networks supports data collection from all major cloud providers and most network security device manufacturers, which ensures path observability from end to end in multi-cloud, hybrid cloud, cloud-only, and on-premises-only deployments, while its Network Query Engine allows for positive or negative verification of intent. In this article, sponsored by Forward Networks, Remington Loose provides a look at this unique aspect of their solution.

Multi-Cloud Security Requires Multi-Cloud Observability With Forward Networks

Network observability, which includes real-time contextual data for in-depth analysis towards securing resilient networks in today’s rapidly evolving digital world, is crucial for businesses. However, lack of a unified visibility solution across various cloud platforms makes observability harder to achieve in multi-cloud environments. Forward Networks took a proactive approach and deployed cloud digital twin observability into major cloud platforms, extending their cutting-edge digital twin technology to increase multi-cloud observability and security. The company’s solutions offer deep observability and enhance security through tools like Path, Posture, and Blast Radius. This article by Chris Grundemann, sponsored by Forward Networks, provides more insight following their appearance at Cloud Field Day 16.

Forward Networks Twins Your Network, Offering Insights, Direction and Modeling for Changes

Philip Sellers wrote a great article calling Forward Networks’ Digital Twin a “game changer.” Read his thoughts on

Networking Takes Center Stage at Cloud Field Day 16

Adam Fisher gives his thoughts on the products demonstrated by Forward Networks, Fortinet, and during their presentations at Cloud Field Day in January. Read his thoughts on the Virtual Bonzo website.

Forward Networks – Transforming Business With Digital Twin

In this article, Sulagna Saha talks about Forward Networks’ digital twin technology. Digital Twin goes beyond the scope of traditional observability tools to provide operators data that is rich in analytics, and enables predictive network maintenance. Read the article at Gestalt IT, or watch Forward Networks’ presentations on the technology here at Tech Field Day.

Forward Networks Digital Twins

How do you know if your network will perform as things change? That’s the question Forward Networks presented during their recent Cloud Field Day presentation. In this article, Hin Tang discusses their solution, which gives clear and complete visibility and easily queryable data on networking architecture by simulating it as a digital twin. Read on for Hin’s perspective, and check out the videos on the Tech Field Day website!

Cloud Field Day Looks to the Next Generation in January

Our first Cloud Field Day of 2023 was this past January. We had Forward Networks, Fortinet, and present on many cloud related topics such as net-ops, cloud sec ops, the Fortigate firewall, cloud native networking, etc. Be sure to check out presentations and more from Cloud Field Day on the Tech Field Day website!

Warum Netzwerke Einen Digitalen Zwilling Brauchen

Check out Kerstin Stief’s, a Field Day delegate, latest blog post from Networking Field Day! She highlights the presentation from Forward Networks and is pleased that they understand IPv6. Take a look for more from Kerstin here!

Forward Networks: Automated Data Insights From Across the Network

Writing for Gestalt It, Sulagna Saha expands on the Forward Networks Platform that was presented and demoed at this past Networking Field Day! This platform is a robust and intelligent engine that collects data from the network far and wide, process it at a fast speed and churns it out the backend where teams can access it at minimum hassle. Check out Sulagna’s thought here!

NFD27 – Forward Networks

Tyler Christiansen, a Field Day delegate, dives into the new technology that Forward Networks brought to the table at this past Networking Field Day! Tyler did not know much about Forward Networks before seeing them present, he now wishes he had looked into them before. Check out his thoughts here!

A New Year of Networking at Networking Field Day 27!

Tune in and follow along for the very first hybrid Networking Field Day in San Jose, California! We have presentations from ZPE Systems, Network to Code, Forward Networks, IP Fabric, Itential, ZeroTier, Juniper Networks and Pica8, check them out!

How Forward Networks Fosters Empathy in Tech

This article covers Forward Networks’ recent appearance at Networking Field Day, discussing how since their first even Networking Field Day appearance up until now, Forward Networks has focused on making the lives of network admins easier. This emphasis on empathy has propelled Forward’s products into the limelight, both here at Networking Field Day as well as in the minds of their customers. To learn more about what empathy means in the tech industry, read this article and watch Forward Network’s presentation.

Actions Not Words, Demos Not Slides

Forward Networks understands that in network operations, it’s never the same day twice. In February, Forward Networks showcased “what a day in a network operations professional’s life using the Forward Enterprise Platform looks like, from unboxing to integrations—covering killer use cases between” at Networking Field Day. To learn more about the Forward Enterprise Platform, check out this post from Forward Networks on its website, as well as the videos from Networking Field Day!

Presenters React to the Networking Field Day Experience

Networking Field Day was last month and the presenters are raving about the experience. The interactions with our delegates are what make Field Day events so special. To learn why companies participate in Tech Field Day events and what makes Networking Field Day stand out, check out this video and post on!

A Week of Unexpected Expectedness With Forward Networks

In this post, Tom Hollingsworth reviews the Forward Networks presentation about a week in the life of a network engineer from a recent Networking Field Day and how their Network Query Engine can help you get a jump on those totally unexpected problems you’re expecting. For Tom, NQE is the resource network admins can talk to in order to find the information they have to have to make the right decisions. It’s like a network encyclopedia. And any resource that can cut down on time to resolve problems or troubleshoot issues means admins can spend less of their week working on unexpected issues and more time keeping things running smoothly so those issues don’t crop up.

Network Field Day 22

Tony Efantis wrote up this piece looking back at Networking Field Day. An in-person event, Tony got to see first hand, not just the excellent presentations from a wide swath of networking companies, but to experience the community aspects that go on behind the scenes. We’re glad that Tony found the experience to be “magical”, and we’re happy that we’re able to keep the magic going with our virtual Field Day events too!

Answers at Your Fingertips With Forward Networks

After hearing again from Forward Networks at Networking Field Day, Tom Hollingsworth considers the implications of their Network Query Engine in this post. This effectively provides a way to ask the network for the answers by looking into the database of network configuration. This is vitally needed to provide reliability for critical cloud services, rather they relying on the old model of each networking standing as an island of configuration settings just waiting to cause unforeseen interactions. As network’s grow more complex at ever increasing rates, Forward Network approach lets admins find meaningful answers and solve this configuration conundrum.

Network Field Day 21 – Forward Networks – Useful Intent Based Networking

In this piece, Ed Horley looks at what Forward Networks presented at their recent Networking Field Day appearance. The company came out of stealth at Networking Field Day back in 2016, and this recent appearance impressed with how the company has refined their intent-based networking solutions.