Service Mesh With Istio and Future Ambient Sidecarless Service Mesh

Hin Tang is learning about service mesh from the experts at This article recounts their recent Cloud Field Day presentation and gives Hin’s perspective on the practicality of Istio in the enterprise. Read his post and then check out the entire presentation on the Tech Field Day website!

Forward Networks Digital Twins

How do you know if your network will perform as things change? That’s the question Forward Networks presented during their recent Cloud Field Day presentation. In this article, Hin Tang discusses their solution, which gives clear and complete visibility and easily queryable data on networking architecture by simulating it as a digital twin. Read on for Hin’s perspective, and check out the videos on the Tech Field Day website!

Fortinet Red vs Blue for Cloud Native Visibility and Protection for the Application Lifecycle

Hin Tang attended the Fortinet presentation at our recent Cloud Field Day event and was impressed by their comprehensive and integrated suite of products. The presentation not only showed their continuing innovation but also the friendly and technical staff in their element. Read Hin’s post to learn more, and check out the Fortinet presentation on the Tech Field Day YouTube channel!

Hin Tang

In tech as in life, Hannibal Smith said it best. “I love it when a plan comes together”