Mezmo Data Management, Observability and More

Paul Nashawaty recently caught up with Mezmo at AppDev Field Day, and this DevOps Dialogue offers insight into their data management and observability platform, emphasizing its strength in extracting actionable value from telemetry data. The discussion explores how Mezmo stands out in the crowded market of observability tools by not just collecting data but also by making it comprehensible and useful for businesses. Check out the Mezmo presentation from AppDev Field Day for more detail!

Mezmo Telemetry Pipeline – Aggregate, Transform, Distribute

Sulagna Saha covers the Mezmo presentation from AppDev Field Day for Gestalt IT, considering the capabilities of Mezmo’s Telemetry Pipeline, detailing how it allows businesses to aggregate, transform, and distribute telemetry data efficiently. She illustrates the versatility of the platform in handling vast streams of data, enabling customizable processing, and facilitating seamless distribution to various analysis tools. The article demonstrates Mezmo’s commitment to streamlining data operations, underscoring its importance for organizations in achieving real-time insights and maintaining a competitive edge.

Telemetry Data – Taking Data Management to Next Level

Kati Lehmuskoski explores the world of telemetry data, spotlighting its pivotal role in elevating data management practices. She stresses how telemetry, with its detailed and real-time data collection capabilities, is revolutionizing the way organizations monitor and analyze their systems and operations. Lehmuskoski’s piece articulates the transformative potential of telemetry in providing deeper insights, enabling proactive decision-making, and ultimately, driving businesses forward in an increasingly data-centric world. Read more in this LinkedIn Pulse article inspired by Mezmo’s presentation at AppDev Field Day.

Mezmo: Telemetry Data Management for Observability and Security

Sam Holschuh discusses Mezmo’s telemetry data management solution following their AppDev Field Day presentation, highlighting its pivotal role in enhancing both observability and security for modern IT infrastructures. Mezmo’s platform provides teams with the tools needed to manage vast streams of telemetry data effectively, turning raw data into actionable insights. The article underscores the importance of robust data management in achieving comprehensive system observability and maintaining stringent security postures.

Optimizing Observability With Mezmo

Jack Poller discusses the critical role of Mezmo, previously known as LogDNA, in optimizing the observability of complex IT systems. He explains how Mezmo offers comprehensive tools for log management and analytics that aid teams in maintaining system health and quickly resolving incidents. Poller’s article emphasizes the importance of effective observability in today’s IT infrastructure and how Mezmo stands out in supporting these operational needs.

Mezmo at AppDev Field Day Describes Controlling Your Telemetry Data With Confidence

Paul Nashawaty highlights Mezmo’s presentation at AppDev Field Day, where they discussed how their platform empowers users to manage telemetry data with assurance. Mezmo’s focus on data control extends to ensuring security, compliance, and efficient analysis, making it a go-to for developers in a data-driven world. Nashawaty’s summary emphasizes the significance of robust data management solutions like Mezmo, which are crucial for organizations to navigate the complexities of modern application development and operations.

Monitoring and Observability (Enter Mezmo)

Michael Levan introduces Mezmo, who presented at AppDev Field Day. They are a compelling solution in the field of monitoring and observability on the platform. He highlights how Mezmo provides insightful data analysis and log management tools, helping teams to ensure the optimal performance and reliability of their systems. The shift to Mezmo demonstrates how modern observability platforms are becoming essential in efficiently diagnosing and addressing potential IT infrastructure issues.

Moving Beyond Platform Engineering and IT Operations at AppDev Field Day

AppDev Field Day offers a look beyond traditional platform engineering and IT operations. In this Gestalt IT article, Stephen Foskett gives an overview of the event and the schedule. This event brings together innovative developers and industry experts to discuss the evolution of application development and the integration of emerging technologies. Attendees can expect to engage in thought-provoking dialogues on how to navigate the expanding landscape of app development in increasingly complex IT environments.

Cloud Field Day 18: After-Action Perspective From the Delegates

We loved Nathan Bennett’s group Cloud Field Day after-action report video and wrote up an article to go with it at Gestalt IT. The event offered a platform for tech companies to showcase their developments and gain feedback from our delegates. Juniper Networks presenting their AI integration into Apstra, while Mezmo impressed with its telemetry capabilities and user-friendly interface. Long-standing industry player, VMware, was noted for its adaptability in the multi-cloud environment, proving that the evolving tech landscape remains exciting and innovative. Get the delegate reaction to all the presentations in this video!

Cloud Field Day 18 – After Action Report

This “after-action report” is a YouTube video featuring a group of Cloud Field Day delegates discussing the presentations and content from our recent event. Organized by Nathan Bennett, these videos give an immediate and unvarnished look at the presentations.

Navigating Multiple Observability Tools: Mezmo’s Goal of Simplifying the Journey

In this article, Keith Townsend of The CTO Advisor discusses how Mezmo is aiming to simplify the journey of navigating multiple observability tools. With the increase in complexity of software applications in the cloud, using diverse tools for different layers of the stack can be challenging. Mezmo strives to provide a unified observability experience across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments, helping businesses consolidate metrics, traces, and logs from a multitude of sources in an attempt to simplify IT operations.

Navigating Multiple Observability Tools: Mezmo’s Goal of Simplifying the Journey

The CTO Advisor, Keith Townsend, discusses Mezmo’s aim to simplify the use of multiple observability tools. Through integrating these tools into a unified experience, Mezmo allows IT operators to navigate complex environments with greater efficiency. This provides valuable insights into the state, performance, and health of systems, underscoring Mezmo’s commitment to aiding organizations in better managing their IT infrastructures.

Mezmo – #CFD18

Nathan Bennett recently attended Cloud Field Day and learned about Mezmo, a telemetry and observability company, previously known as LogDNA. Mezmo aims to help organizations gain a deeper, more insightful understanding of their data, including where it’s going and what it’s doing, even across different use cases. One standout feature is their Telemetry Pipeline, which aids in validating and specifying what data is needed from various sources, while their cleanly designed UI and built-in “Incident” mode for debugging are also impactful aspects of their platform.

Cloud Field Day 18 Mezmo

Chris Hildebrandt posted his review of Mezmo’s presentation at Cloud Field Day 18. Mezmo, a modern telemetry platform, offers tools for organizations to collect, analyze, and visualize data from diverse sources. The entry highlights Mezmo’s ability to understand, optimize and respond — allowing organizations to profile their data, identify redundancies, optimize telemetry data for cost reduction and compliance, and quick, efficient data routing even during incident responses.

Introducing Mezmo at Cloud Field Day 18

Eric Wright provides an in-depth look at Mezmo’s telemetry pipeline solution, which was unveiled at Cloud Field Day 18. Mezmo, formerly known as LogDNA, collects, transforms, and routes telemetry data to understand and optimize data, thereby controlling costs and enhancing actionability. The blog particularly praises Mezmo’s user-friendly interface and their ability to make log data more valuable by enriching it with context.

Automation, Analytics, and More at Cloud Field Day 18

Announcing Cloud Field Day, streaming live next week! This event is broadcast live on LinkedIn and the Tech Field Day website, and includes presentations from Juniper Networks, Mezmo, Prosimo, and AMD on Wednesday and VMware, WEKA, and Fortinet on Thursday, focusing on automation, data center analytics, and telemetry. Join the conversation about cloud-native networking, application migration, and monitoring strategies during the sessions on October 18th and 19th!