MorpheusData’s PlatformOps Automates IT

Peter Welcher explores the capabilities of Morpheus Data’s PlatformOps, highlighting this innovative solution as a significant force in IT automation. The article positions the platform as an enabler of simplified IT operations, integrating numerous services and systems into a cohesive, automated workflow. Welcher’s piece recognizes PlatformOps as a game changer for enterprises seeking to streamline their IT processes, achieve efficiency, and embrace a truly agile infrastructure model. Read more in this LinkedIn Pulse article following the Morpheus Data presentation at Cloud Field Day 20!

Google: Making AI Easier to Do

Peter Welcher examines Google’s efforts to streamline artificial intelligence workloads in his analytical piece focusing on the tech giant’s dedication to making AI more accessible. He emphasizes Google’s push towards creating user-friendly AI services and tools that aim to simplify the development and deployment processes for businesses of all sizes. Welcher’s assessment reflects on the broader industry implications of Google’s initiatives to democratize AI, potentially accelerating innovation and adoption across various sectors. Read more in this article inspired by the Google Cloud presentation at Cloud Field Day 20 last month!

Oxide Computer’s Presentations at Cloud Field Day 20

Peter Welcher provides an overview of Oxide Computer’s contributions to Cloud Field Day 20, highlighting their forward-thinking presentations on server architecture and data center operations. He notes Oxide Computer’s emphasis on reimagining hardware design to better align with modern software requirements and cloud-native principles. Welcher’s summary captures the essence of how Oxide’s approach could lead to more efficient, reliable, and scalable cloud computing environments.

Cloud Field Day 20 Wrap-Up

Peter Welcher provides a comprehensive wrap-up of Cloud Field Day 20, encapsulating the event’s wealth of discussions on the latest in cloud technology. He highlights the significant contributions of participating vendors and the thought-provoking interactions that took place among industry experts. Welcher’s summary showcases the depth of insights gained during the event, shedding light on the evolving landscape of cloud computing.

CFD20: Juniper Networks: Digging Into Details and Demos of Apstra and AI Lab for AI Data Centers

Peter Welcher offers an in-depth look at Juniper Networks’ presentations at Cloud Field Day 20, focusing on the details and demonstrations of Apstra and the AI Lab for AI Data Centers. He highlights Juniper’s commitment to simplifying network operations and delivering agile infrastructure through their intent-based networking and advanced AI solutions. Welcher’s article paints a picture of a future where data center management is increasingly autonomous, informed by intelligent insights and bolstered by cutting-edge technology.

CFD20 Presentation 2: AI Data Center

Peter Welcher shares key insights from the second Juniper Networks presentation at Cloud Field Day 20, focusing on the growing trend of AI in the data center. The discussion highlights how AI is being leveraged to enhance data center operations, from streamlining management tasks to optimizing performance through predictive analytics. Welcher’s article underscores the burgeoning role of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing the infrastructure of modern data centers and its resounding implications for the future of cloud computing.

Seize the AI Moment

Peter Welcher encourages seizing the transformative opportunities presented by AI in this LinkedIn Pulse article written during the Juniper Networks presentation at Cloud Field Day 20. He discusses the urgency for businesses to embrace AI, considering the significant efficiency and competitive advantages it offers. Welcher’s article calls for a proactive approach to integrating AI technologies, emphasizing the momentous impact it can have across various aspects of business operations and strategy.

AIOps: Using AI for Smarter More Efficient Operations

In this post, Peter Welcher delves into the growing significance of Artificial Intelligence in Operations (AIOps) and its transformative impact on Security Operations Centers. He explores how AIOps can streamline massive data streams by filtering out noise, predicting system failures, and offering automated, intelligent security solutions that adapt to the technological complexities of modern networks. The article also highlights several AIOps solutions, underscoring the importance of choosing tools with tangible benefits amidst a market proliferated with AI-enhanced products.

Edge Computing

In Peter Welcher’s recent NetCraftsmen article, the focus is on the increased attention and importance of Edge (Computing, Networking, Security, etc.). Breaching the significance of latency, cost factors, and reliability in Edge, the article underscores how automation is a key enabler while addressing challenges such as data management, security, and scale. It emphasizes that Edge is not just a trend but a natural progression in computing and networking, inherently equipped to handle current and future needs in the tech landscape.

Networking Service Awareness

Writing on the NetCraftsmen blog, Peter Welcher discusses the challenges that professionals face in staying updated with the latest features and technologies from Network as a Service (NaaS) and Cloud vendors. The post contends that vendors should be more proactive in communicating their capabilities and new features, instead of relying on customers to research these advancements. Welcher emphasizes the importance of structured knowledge acquisition and suggests use-case focused marketing could be beneficial for potential customers.

The Future of NAAS (Networking as a Service)

In this NetCraftsmen article, Peter Welcher discusses the future of Network as a Service (NAAS) while evaluating tenacity among vendors within the industry. With an exploration of the changing role of SD-WAN, connectivity gaps, and indispensable customer needs, Welcher contemplate future predictions for the NAAS landscape and its implications for consumers. He also discusses the potential for restructuring and how new tech offerings might deliver faster deployments, better service level agreements (SLAs), and lower costs, therein providing significant value to companies in the WAN/NAAS sectors.

Forward Networks Gets Cloudy

Forward Networks, a significant player in the Digital Twin product space, showcased their advanced capabilities at Cloud Field Day in January, focusing primarily on network assurance tool development. In addition to expanding its product range to accommodate more devices/vendors and protocols, Forward Networks now also gathers and models cloud state data to predict network behaviour efficiently. Moving towards cloud footprints’ visualization with Amazon, Azure, and Google, Forward Networks has emerged as a real outperformer in managing security and complex application flows, and devising fast, intuitive solutions to complicated problems.

What Does Selector.AI Do?

In this blog posted on NetCraftsmen, Peter Welcher discusses Selector.AI, a startup in the AIOps field that focuses on the network domain. Welcher discusses the capabilities of the product, such as its ability to convert large amounts of data across multiple domains into actionable information, and the way it uses artificial intelligence as part of its core functionality. Welcher sums up that Selector.AI could offer significant benefits, such as being a single source of truth and the ability to democratize data access.

Catchpoint BGP Monitoring

Catchpoint’s BGP Monitoring helps organizations track their networks and ensure they function at optimal levels. BGP is a complicated routing protocol used to provide information to several organizations on the web in terms of their routing peers, and each has an assigned Autonomous System Number (ASN). By monitoring such information, Catchpoint uses data center, ISP, and public route collectors to examine BGP performance, offering an overview of maintenance and usage costs, and displays charts and train tracks diagrams to highlight any issues. Catchpoint’s BGP dashboards provide useful, actionable, and straightforward information that is beneficial to clients. This article, sponsored by Catchpoint, is a follow-up to Peter Welcher’s previous discussion of their Networking Field Day presentation.

Catchpoint Excels at Internet Resilience

Catchpoint is a solution focused on monitoring the entire Internet stack, including applications and network traffic, with the goal of providing the best internet resilience. It offers the most global monitoring points for its customers to leverage, allowing candid reporting on external perceptions of performance as well as the hard Network performance data points. By providing comprehensive monitoring strategy, Catchpoint enables predictive insights, contingency planning, and continuous improvement over time, ensuring that users receive the best possible experience through the digital service delivery chain. Read more in this Gestalt IT article by Peter Welcher, sponsored by Catchpoint.

Winning WAN Ways

Peter Welcher shares his thoughts on Graphiant Network Edge and what it brings to WAN networking. Read the article on the NetCraftsmen website.

NFD29: Cisco Manages Your Clouds

Pete Welcher is taking in the Networking Field Day event presentations from Cisco and the content they delivered on MultiCloud, Meraki NextGen Dash, and DNAC. In his latest post on LinkedIn, Pete discusses his thought on one specific are of interest from the Cisco presentations: Cisco MultiCloud. He goes into detail on the tools that Cisco is evolving and how they will simplify customers’ lives. Check out Pete’s LinkedIn for more!

NFD29: What Would We Do Without Opengear?

Pete Welcher was struck by Opengear’s presentation at September’s Networking Field Day! He wrote all about Opengear’s remote Out of Band (OOB) network access capabilities on LinkedIn and refers to them as a “product refresh.” Pete urges all Networking folks to check out what Opengear has to offer!

NFD29: Broadcom Discussed Latest Chip Capabilities

Learn more about Broadcom’s presentation at Networking Field Day in September by checking out this post by Pete Welcher. You can read his thoughts and watch all of the presentations from Networking Field Day on the Tech Field Day website!

NFD29: Kentik and Network Troubleshooting

Check out Pete Welcher’s thoughts on Kentik and their presentation at the latest Networking Field Day event. You can read his post and watch all of the presentations from Networking Field Day on the Tech Field Day website!