Quantum Myriad’s Architecture

Quantum Corporation’s Myriad platform offers a novel cloud-based architecture solution, revolutionizing how organizations handle unstructured data. By integrating storage and management seamlessly, Myriad simplifies the complex task of storing, protecting, and cataloging data assets on a large scale. This platform sets new standards in data lifecycle management, empowering users to focus on value creation rather than infrastructure complications. Andrea Mauro attended the Tech Field Day Showcase and covered it for his blog.

Quantum Myriad – a Transactionally-Consistent Scale-Out All-Flash File Storage

Quantum has taken a bold step towards solving the scalability dilemma faced by enterprise storage solutions with the introduction of Myriad, a cloud-native all-flash storage platform uniquely designed for transactionally consistent operations. Myriad’s open architecture, built with industry-standard components, promises unprecedented flexibility and scalability across environments, both on-premises and in the cloud, catering to the demanding requirements of modern workloads. Setting a new standard in high-performance storage solutions, Quantum Myriad is poised to address the needs of businesses grappling with exponential data growth, ensuring predictability and innovation at the core of its scale-out storage offering. Read more in this Gestalt IT article by David Klee, sponsored by Quantum.

Quantum Myriad: A Future-Proof Storage for High-Performance Workloads

Quantum advances its storage portfolio with Myriad, the latest software-defined solution that streamlines unified file and object storage capabilities tailored to today’s intensive workloads like AI and HPC. Myriad’s innovative architecture, built on a cloud-native foundation, promises high throughput and low latency, driven by NVMe technology to meet the rigorous demands of data-rich environments. This strategic move not only bridges the gap between Quantum’s StorNext and ActiveScale products but also redefines the company’s trajectory by catering to the burgeoning needs of capacity, performance, and scalability inherent to modern data workflows. Read more in this Gestalt IT article by Max Mortillaro, sponsored by Quantum.

Quantum ActiveScale Delivers Scalable, Resilient Object Storage On-Premises

Last December, Quantum showcased ActiveScale at Tech Field Day. This is an object storage solution for on-premises private clouds with associated hardware appliances that run ActiveScale. Quantum designed ActiveScale for standard unstructured data use cases, and like any object storage solution, scalability and durability matter. To learn more about Quantum ActiveScale, be sure to check out the videos from Tech Field Day on our website!

Tech Field Day 22 – the TECHunplugged Take on Quantum

Veteran field day delegates Arjan Timmerman and Max Mortillaro attended Tech Field Day earlier this month and had the opportunity to see Quantum present. On their TECHunplugged Take, Arjan and Max talk about the presentation and the ActiveSync offering from Quantum. If you haven’t yet, be sure to watch the Quantum presentations on the Tech Field day website!

Quantum Will Present at TFD22

Arjan Timmerman was a delegate at Tech Field Day earlier this month and had the chance to see several different companies present including Quantum. Before the presentation, Arjan wrote up this thoughts for the Tech Unplugged blog including a review of some of Quantum’s current projects and initiatives. Quantum’s full Tech Field Day presentation is available on our website, be sure to check it out!

Join Us at Tech Field Day!

We are very excited that Quantum will be joining us for their first ever Tech Field Day event! Writing for Quantum, Bob Fine shares that they will be at Tech Field Day to “share another significant step in our vision to lead in video and unstructured data solutions and represent a key shift in focus from ‘storing’ data to ‘managing’ data.” Be sure to check out the Tech Field Day website this week when Quantum shows off their ActiveScale product at Tech Field Day 22!