Stephen Foskett provides an in-depth analysis of the presentations and technological showcases at Tech Field Day during his December 18 appearance on Techstrong Gang. He focuses on the innovative uses of artificial intelligence in enterprise technologies, which were highlighted during the event. For additional insights and coverage on Tech Field Day, watch Stephen Foskett’s regular appearances on Techstrong Gang.
Network Automation Is More Than Just Tooling
The modern enterprise network automation strategy is failing. This is due in part to a collection of tools masquerading as an automation solution. In this episode, Tom Hollingsworth is joined by Scott Robohn, Bruno Wollmann, and special guest Mike Bushong of Nokia to discuss the current state of automation in the data center. They discuss how tools are often improperly incorporated as well as why organizations shouldn’t rely on just a single person or team to affect change. They also explore ideas around Nokia Event-Driven Automation (EDA), a new operations platform dedicated to solving these issues.
Hardware Still Matters at the Edge
Hardware innovation at the edge is driven by diverse and challenging environments found outside traditional data centers. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast features Jack Poller, Stephen Foskett, and Alastair Cooke considering the special requirements of hardware in edge computing prior to Edge Field Day this week. Edge locations, including energy, military, retail, and more, demand robust, tamper-resistant hardware that can endure harsh conditions like extreme temperatures and vibrations. This shift is fostering new hardware designs, drawing inspiration from industries like mobile technology, to support real-time data processing and AI applications. As edge computing grows, the interplay between durable hardware and adaptive software, including containerized platforms, will be crucial for maximizing efficiency and unlocking new capabilities in these dynamic environments.
AI Solves All Our Problems
Although AI can be quite useful, it seems that the promise of generative AI has lead to irrational exuberance on the topic. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast, recorded ahead of AI Field Day, features Justin Warren, Alastair Cooke, Frederic van Haren, and Stephen Foskett considering the promises made about AI. Generative AI was so impressive that it escaped from the lab, being pushed into production before it was ready for use. We are still living with the repercussions of this decision on a daily basis, with AI assistants appearing everywhere. Many customers are already frustrated by these systems, leading to a rapid push-back against the universal use of LLM chatbots. One problem the widespread mis-use of AI has solved already is the search for a driver of computer hardware and software sales, though this already seems to be wearing off. But once we take stock of the huge variety of tools being created, it is likely that we will have many useful new technologies to apply.
The Mainframe is Still Going Strong
Despite the hype about modern applications, the mainframe remains central to enterprise IT and is rapidly adopting new technologies. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast features Steven Dickens, Geoffrey Decker, and Jon Hildebrand talking to Stephen Foskett about the modern mainframe prior to the SHARE conference. The modern datacenter is rapidly adopting technologies like containerization, orchestration, and artificial intelligence, and these are coming to the mainframe world as well. And the continued importance of mainframe applications, especially in finance and transportation, makes the mainframe more important than ever. There is a tremendous career opportunity in mainframes as well, with recent grads commanding high salaries and working with exciting modern technologies. Modern mainframes run Linux natively, support OpenShift and containers, and support all of the latest languages and programming models in addition to PL1, Cobol, DB2, and of course zOS. We’re looking forward to bringing the latest in the mainframe space from SHARE to our audience.
Network Engineering is a Dying Profession
Network Engineering isn’t the hottest profession on the block and people have expressed concerns that the profession is going to be subsumed into other disciplines in the near future. In this episode of the Tech Field Day podcast, Tom Hollingsworth joins Andy Lapteff and Remington Loose at the table to discuss the decline in network engineering roles. They also talk about changes in perceptions as well as the industry. They close out by discussing the future outlook for roles involving network engineering.
Open Source Helps Small Businesses Modernize Applications
Open-source platforms and managed services are a huge help when it comes to modernizing applications, especially for smaller businesses. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast, recorded at AppDev Field Day, includes Stephen Foskett and Paul Nashawaty discussing the challenges and solutions for small businesses in modernizing applications.
On-Premises Networks Need to Work Like Cloud Networks
On-premises networks are still very common for specialize applications and need to adopt cloud network operational models. In this episode, Tom Hollingsworth is joined by experts Ron Westfall, Chris Grundemann, and Jeremy Schulman as they discuss how to better implement these preferred methods. They also debate how each model has different requirements and may face headwinds in an enterprise.
Everything is the Cloud and The Cloud is Everything
The cloud operating model is everywhere these days, and just about everything is now called cloud. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast, recorded live at Cloud Field Day 20, includes Stephen Foskett, Jeffrey Powers, Alastair Cooke, and Steve Puluka discussing the true meaning of the term cloud computing.
It’s Time for Private 5G in the Enterprise
Wi-Fi has changed the way we work in the office but it’s not the only wireless technology. Challenging environments require new solutions like private 5G. In this episode, Tom Hollingsworth is joined by Mark Houtz and Shaun Neal as they discuss the rise of private LTE/5G technologies outside of the carrier space.
Cloud Native is Just a Marketing Term
Software developers used to use the term cloud native to describe applications that are designed for the cloud, but today it seems to be more of a term for containerized applications. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast, recorded ahead of Cloud Field Day 20, includes Guy Currier, Jack Poller, Ziv Levy, and Stephen Foskett discussing the true meaning of cloud native today.
AI is the New Blockchain
AI is at the top of the hype cycle and it feels unstoppable. Once upon a time blockchain was in the same place. In this episode, Tom Hollingsworth is joined by Evan Mintzer and Jody Lemoine.
Platform Engineering Is the Revenge of IT Operations
The rise of platform engineering demonstrates how difficult it has been to balance DevOps between developers and operations. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast features a discussion of platform engineering with Mitch Ashley and Mike Vizard of Techstrong Group and Stephen Foskett and Tom Hollingsworth of Gestalt IT.
Wi-Fi 7 Isn’t Enough For Future Wireless Needs
New technology standards can’t anticipate how users will consume content and applications and revisions to the standards will be adopted to meet their needs. In this episode, Tom Hollingsworth is joined by Ron Westfall, Drew Lentz, and Rocky Gregory as they discuss where Wi-Fi 7 falls short.
Data Quality is More Important Than Ever in an AI World with Qlik
In our AI-dominated world, data quality is the key to building useful tools. This episode of the Tech Field Day podcast features Drew Clarke from Qlik discussing best practiced for integrating data sources with AI models with Joey D’Antoni, Gina Rosenthal, and Stephen Foskett before Qlik Connect in Orlando.
Security Audits Cause More Harm Than Good
Security audits are painful and often required for compliance but they aren’t adversarial unless you have a bad auditor or bad policy compliance. In this episode, Tom Hollingsworth sits down with Teren Bryson, Skye Fugate, and Ben Story to discuss the nuances of audits.
AI is Smarter Than Your Average Network Engineer
Recent advances in AI for IT have shown the huge potential for changing the way that we do work. However, AI can’t replace everyone in the workforce. In this episode, Tom Hollingsworth is joined by Rita Younger, Josh Warcop, and Rob Coote as they look at how the hype surrounding AI must inevitably be reconciled with the reality of real people doing work.
Cyber Resiliency is Just Data Protection
Cyber Resiliency is a term that encompasses much more than simply protecting data. This episode features Tom Hollingsworth joined by Krista Macomber and Max Mortillaro discussing the additional features in a cyber resiliency solution and the need to understand how data needs to be safeguarded from destruction or exploitation.
Credible Content From the Community is More Important than Ever
There is a hazardous amount of AI-generated and SEO-oriented content being generated, and the solution is real stories from real communities. In the first episode of Tech Field Podcast, recorded on-site at AI Field Day, Stephen Foskett chats with Frederic Van Haren, Gina Rosenthal and Colleen Coll about confronting inauthentic content.
2022 Year in Review
Field Day delegate Ned Bellavance was up to a lot this past 2022! From Cloud Field Day to the HashiCorp Academy, Ned kept himself busy! Check out the other events and conferences he attended and see what he will be up to this 2023!