Voices in Data Storage- Episode 32: A Conversation With Veeam

In this episode of Voices in Data Storage, Enrico Signoretti speaks to two Senior Global Technologist from Veeam, Anthony Spiteri and Michael Cade about data protection across physical and virtual data storage in the age of ransomware. They also dig into some of their presentation from Tech Field Day last year, which dealt with data integration APIs. This was designed to be agnostic for their customers, without dictating what particular piece of software or hardware their customers must use. For Veeam, it’s always about flexibility of choice. Be sure to listen to the entire conversation in their podcast feed and check out Veeam’s Tech Field Day presentation video.

Veeam Availability Suite: Scale-Out Backup Repository, Enhanced NAS Backup and (Soon) CDP!

Veeam used the time at their recent Tech Field Day presentation to show off some new features for their Backup and Recovery suite. Jon Klaus was at the event and gives his thoughts on the new improvements in this post.

Tech Field Day Recap #TFD20

Anthony Spiteri was part of the team that presented with Veeam at Tech Field Day. In this post, he details what the showed off at the event, and gives some more background on each presentation. Be sure to check out the full video of their presentation to get caught up on the latest updates.

Veeam at #TFD20

Veeam presented at Tech Field Day, and Michael Cade returned as one of their presenters. In this post, Michael talks about how he found the Tech Field Day event videos invaluable before joining Veeam, and what it was like to present with his boss, El Rickatron, who was a delegate at the first Tech Field Day event.

Veeam Enhanced NAS Backup – TFD20

Veeam’s Michael Cade was one of the company’s presenters at our tenth anniversary Tech Field Day event. In this video, he takes the time to answer some questions that there wasn’t enough time to fully address during the event.

Heading to Tech Field Day 20

Anthony Spiteri is presenting for Veeam at Tech Field Day, specifically the 10th anniversary of the event series. In this post, he writes about what he was looking forward to seeing at the event and what attending the event has meant for him.

Veeam and the Art of the Portable

For Paul Stringfellow, Veeam has always been a company that has a way of making things “just work”. This has continued as their products have embraced the cloud. At Cloud Field Day earlier this year, the company discussed how they are bringing portability and mobility to cloud workloads. This doesn’t just include technical considerations, but goes down to changing how they license it as well.

Thinking About Veeam Cloud Tier

At Cloud Field Day last month, David Ball got to hear from Veeam. The company is no stranger to Field Day events, and it was great to have them back presenting to the delegates. Their presentation on Veeam Cloud tier answered a key question that David had been asking himself, how can smaller organizations buy what they need for backups, but still allow for on-demand flexibility. It’s a great piece looking at their solutions.

Keep Things Simple

Al Rasheed continues his look at what Veeam showed at Cloud Field Day in this post. In this update, he focuses on Veeam’s commitment to simplicity with a specific look at Veeam Cloud Tier. This isn’t intended to be an archiving solution, rather a way to move chunks of data from expensive local storage to more affordable cloud offerings. Al looks into some of their specific implementations and features in the post.

VeeamON 2019

Al Rasheed is heading to VeeamON 2019 as part of the Veeam Vanguard Program and is excited to go. He’ll be particularly well prepared, as he got a technical deep dive from the company at Cloud Field Day last month. He’s looking forward to the networking and expertise at the conference. Be sure to get caught up with the company’s latest by watching their full presentation video.

It’s Your Data!

At Cloud Field Day, Al Rasheed got to hear a presentation from Veeam. The covered the dramatic business growth the company has seen over the last few years, which is a result of delivering on their core mission of simplicity, reliability, and flexibility for your data. The presentation focused on data portability in the cloud, always allowing organizations to access and use data that belongs to them. Al has another post coming on their presentation, so be sure to read all his thoughts in this piece.

All of the Data, All of the Clouds

Paul Stringfellow really liked what he saw from Veeam during their Cloud Field Day presentation earlier this year. They showed off their cloud strategy, which Paul found still kept Veeam’s signature focus on simplicity and flexibility. This focused on not just backup and recovery, but cloud mobility, which Paul thinks is the key to any enterprise’s data strategy. Be sure to check out all of Paul’s thoughts in this piece.

Cloud Field Day 5 – Recap and Videos

Veeam is no stranger to presenting at Field Day, and did an excellent job earlier this month at Cloud Field Day. Anthony Spiteri was one of the presenters, giving the delegates an overview of Veeam’s Cloud Tier including an excellent DR and resiliency demo. In this post he shares some of his impressions from the event, and shares the full video coverage.

Veeam @ Cloud Field Day – April 2019

Michael Cade attended his first Cloud Field Day last week. Most of the time when we share posts about that, it comes from a delegate. But Michael shares his experience on the presenting company side. He presented with Veeam, showing how they offer simplicity, reliability, and flexibility to workload protection. Be sure to check out their full presentation for a lot of great content.

Heading to Cloud Field Day 5

Chris Porter is at Cloud Field Day this week, a return appearance after being on hand for the event last year. He’s looking forward to hearing what all the presenters have in store, particularly Sysdig and Nginx given his background with containers. Rubrik will be a returning presenter for Chris. He also highlights what he’s interested in from Pure Storage, VMware and Veeam. The Cloud Field Day informational firehose can be intense, but it looks like Chris is up to the challenge again.

Heading to Cloud Field Day 5

Veeam is no stranger to the Field Day audience, but this was Anthony Spiteri first presentation at Cloud Field Day for the company. It’s always interesting to get the perspective of the presenters at these event. They have to communicate with our panel of IT delegates, being comfortable with their material while also prepared for the delegates incisive questions. Be sure to watch the full video of Veeam’s presentation to see the entire technical deep dive.

Step by Step – Install Veeam Availability Orchestrator

Karel Novak wrote up a step-by-step guide on how to get up and running with Veeam’s Availability Orchestrator. The original post is in Czech, but there’s an English translation available here: https://goo.gl/TQpjtP

Half 2017 in community with VMTN, VMworld 2017 and TechFieldDay

Lino Telera joined us as a delegate at Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld 2016. He’s been keeping up to date with our past events, and wrote up some thoughts on the past two Tech Field Day events. Lino also gives a preview of VMworld 2017. He’ll be in attendance, and see the show moving to embrace greater industry trends of Big Data and IoT.

Veeam Goes Hollywood, Now Has Two Agents

Veeam recently released new backup agents for both Windows and Linux. Rich Stroffolino gives them both a quick overview. He focuses on features, UI, and where they fall in Veeam’s much larger backup and recovery portfolio.

Touching the physical world: Veeam Agents for Windows & Linux

Andreas Lesslhumer looks at Veeam’s efforts to become as renown in the physical server space as they are in the virtual one. With the Veeam Agent products for Windows and Linux, Andreas sees them making significant strides. The Windows Agent allows users to restore backups directly to Hyper-V or Azure, has source-side encryption, and full support for Windows Server 2016. Andreas gave it a spin, and so far it’s proven easy to install and as capable as you’d expect from Veeam.