In this paper, Chris Evans outlines Scality’s Zenko platform. This acts as a storage controller across object stores, whether on-prem or in the cloud. This draws on much of what Chris saw from Scality at Storage Field Day last year.
Data Mobility – Global/Scale-out Data Platforms
Chris Evans published another post in his ongoing series about data mobility in hybrid cloud. In this post, he looks at Global NAS and other distributed storage solutions, and includes a consideration of how to deal with data consistency. Solutions from NooBaa, Qumulo, Weka, Elastifile, Hedvig and Datera are included in this overview.
Object Storage Critical Capabilities #3 – Searching, Indexing and Metadata
Chris Evans has been looking at object storage requirements in a series of posts. In this edition, he looks at how to handle object naming, the importance of user and system metadata, and the importance of search. For this last item, Chris highlights the Zenko multi-cloud object storage controller from Scality, which he saw at Storage Field Day in November.
Why move to one cloud, if you can move to a multi cloud?
Jon Klaus likes the cloud, but is hesitent to depend on a single provider. He looks at how Scality’s Zenko Multi Cloud Controller allows you to easily replicate storage across multiple clouds, public and private. This often increases resiliency and cost savings at the same time.