Networking Field Day Delegate Roundtable – Hardware or Software – Which is Driving Innovation?

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Networking Field Day 35 Delegate Roundtable Discussion

Company: Tech Field Day

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Personnel: Tom Hollingsworth

The pace of innovation in networking is accelerating. New hardware modules like DPUs and IPUs are increasing performance and providing novel new solutions. However, the world of software has not gone away. New software constructs are battling hardware innovations in order to see which one is pushing the envelope further. Which of these two parts of the industry are driving development forward faster? In this delegate roundtable, listen to the opinions of a group of expert practitioners as they debate the details.

Selector AI Alerting Discussion with Nitin Kumar

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Selector AI Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Selector AI

Video Links:

Personnel: Nitin Kumar

Selector delivers consolidated, actionable alerts through your preferred collaboration platform, such as Slack or Teams. Alerts depend on Selector’s powerful event correlation fueled by advanced AI/ML techniques. Automations can be leveraged to generate service tickets that include detailed summaries, root cause analysis, and even suggested remediations.

Selector AI Demo: Part 2

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Selector AI Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Selector AI

Video Links:

Personnel: John Heintz, Nitin Kumar

In this demo, a user leverages Selector’s Conversational AI, Selector Copilot, to investigate performance within their network infrastructure. The user first probes into the health of tenants located in a specific geographic region. Selector Copilot provides a visualization of the current state and summarization of the overall condition and afflicted tenants, along with probable root cause. The user then interacts with Selector Copilot to explore resource allocation, historical usage, and projected bandwidth. Each visualization provided by Selector Copilot can be copied and pasted onto a dedicated dashboard.

Selector AI and the Workings of an LLM

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Selector AI Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Selector AI

Video Links:

Personnel: Nitin Kumar

An LLM differs from a function in that it takes output and imputes, or infers, a function and its arguments. We first consider how this process works within Selector for an English phrase converted to a query. We then step through the design of Selector’s LLM, which relies on a base LLM trained with English phrases and SQL translation, then fine-tuned, on-premises, with customer-specific entities. In this way, each of Selector’s deployments relies on an LLM tailored to the customer at hand.

Solving the Query Problem with Selector AI

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Selector AI Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Selector AI

Video Links:

Personnel: Nitin Kumar

Selector translates English phrases to SQL queries through the use of an LLM. Each SQL query includes the table, or data set to be searched, along with filters, or conditions which prune the search results. We walk through a number of SQL queries and sample search results, before considering the LLM-based translation of a sample English phrase processed by Selector.

Democratization of Data Access Using Network LLMs with Selector AI

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Selector AI Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Selector AI

Video Links:

Personnel: Nitin Kumar

In this brief demo of the Selector platform, a user interacts with Selector Copilot to explore behavior within their network infrastructure. They first look into the latency of their transit routers, revealing a regional issue. The user drills down into network topology information to further investigate the latency, where they access details about devices, interfaces, sites, and circuits. Selector Copilot is then leveraged to surface circuit errors. Notably, each visualization provided by Selector Copilot can be copied and pasted onto a dedicated dashboard.

Selector AI Introduction with Debashis Mohanty

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Selector AI Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Selector AI

Video Links:

Personnel: Deba Mohanty

Selector’s customer base includes 50 deployments across service providers as well as large enterprises in retail, media distribution, colocation services, and multi-cloud networking services. These customers aim to correlate events across their network, applications, and infrastructure; eliminate the need for human intervention in RCS and remediation; and democratize access to insights using conversational natural language interfaces. Selector delivers on these outcomes, while accelerating incident remediation through smart, actionable alerting and a GenAI-based conversational interface.

Arrcus Demo: Egress Cost Control (ECC)

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Arrcus Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Arrcus

Video Links:

Personnel: Ashish Swaroop, Sujay Gopinathan

In this section, Arrcus will demonstrate ECC to help reduce Cloud Egress charges, for accessing Al workloads across clouds. They will discuss how the platform can consolidate data and reduce communications to avoid incurring unnecessary charges as well as showcasing integration with cloud platforms to help optimize spending and usage patterns.

Arrcus Demo: 5G Network Slicing on BlueField 3

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Arrcus Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Arrcus

Video Links:

Personnel: Nalin Pai

In this demo, Arrcus will demonstrate offload of SRv6 on BlueField 3, for 5G Network Slicing. They will show the ease in configuration as well as the increase in throughput and performance gains.

Arrcus Automation: Beyond Orchestration

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Arrcus Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Arrcus

Video Links:

Personnel: Aditya Ramadurgam, Srikanth Krishnamohan

In this section, we will share how Arrcus is helping automate networking for DC, to simplify operations and reduce OPEX. We will also discuss how Arrcus can increase service delivery while being proactive about finding issues with operational teams and remediating them before they impact downstream customers.

Arrcus Introduction and ACE-AI Platform

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Arrcus Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Arrcus

Video Links:

Personnel: Keyur Patel, Sanjay Kumar

Arrcus delivers a modern, software-programmable network, deployable on wide range of merchant silicon/compute for a wide range of use cases from Edge to Core to Multi-cloud. Now with ACE-Al, Arrcus has a unique platform that seamlessly connects Distributed Al workloads for Training & Inferencing, with a high performance, lossless network. This presentation will cover next generation networking solutions for
DC, Edge and multi-cloud connectivity for to seamlessly connect distributed Al workloads.

cPacket Network Observability for AI

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: cPacket Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: cPacket

Video Links:

Personnel: Ron Nevo

cPacket started its network observability journey with electronic trading system and their unique challenges of microbursts. However today we’re seeing the same exact challenges with microbursts, and low-latency with the massive AIML clusters built around the world. cPacket is using our unique IP and working with our customers and partners to deliver the solutions that allow them to analyze
microbursts and low-latency issues at scale within the AIML clusters.

cPacket AI for Network Observability

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: cPacket Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: cPacket

Video Links:

Personnel: Norm Bright, Ron Nevo

cPacket is leading the way in leveraging AIML to provide meaningful actionable insights for the NetOps engineers. With the increased complexity of the networks, and the challenges to hire and train network experts, NetOps teams are looking for the “easy button” to identify, and root-cause issue before they impact their users. cPacket is using our experience in creating and interpreting packet data to create simple text based insights for network operation engineers that can point them to the problem and its root-cause, sifting through billions of sessions metrics every day.

cPacket Network Observability at the Hybrid-Cloud Enterprise

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: cPacket Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: cPacket

Video Links:

Personnel: Norm Bright, Ron Nevo

cPacket products operate seamlessly across the hybrid infrastructure. With enterprise workloads migrating to the cloud or repatriating from the cloud to the datacenter the NetOps team have to have a future-proof observability solution that provides the same level of network observability insights across the service chain with the same workflows.

cPacket Network Observability at the Enterprise Core

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: cPacket Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: cPacket

Video Links:

Personnel: Ron Nevo

cPacket provides the leading tools for the enterprise core, where every single transaction matters. The enterprise core is built on 100Gbps networks from multiple vendors, running hundreds of business applications, thousands of servers, and tens of thousands of clients, with connectivity to multiple datacenters, colos, partners, and customers, around the world. Network engineers in these environments count on cPacket to root-cause issues quickly to keep the networks resilient with minimal MTTR. To resolve problems of connectivity, latency, quality in these environments by answering the 4Ws: What, When, Where and Why, network engineers count on cPacket’s products to translate trillions of packets into metrics that can be visualized to understand the network issues.

cPacket Electronic Trading Network and Microburst Analytics

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: cPacket Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: cPacket

Video Links:

Personnel: Ron Nevo

cPacket products inspect more than 50% of the world trading volume in equities and foreign exchange. Electronic trading systems must deliver lossless packet-data over IP multicast network with ultra low latency that is measured in nanoseconds. With these constraints the networks are sensitive to microbursts. NetOps teams count on the capabilities of cPacket’s packet-brokering and packet-delivery products to root-cause and resolve issues in their networks where nanoseconds accuracy and milliseconds resolution matters.

cPacket Company Journey with Ron Nevo

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: cPacket Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: cPacket

Video Links:

Personnel: Ron Nevo

Learn how cPacket has focused on network observability and specialized environments such as electronic trading and AI inferencing. Understand how cPacket is providing critical information about connectivity, latency, and quality to decision makers in these areas to optimize performance and reduce complexity and costs to provide better outcomes for the business.

cPacket Company Introduction with Mark Grodzinsky

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: cPacket Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: cPacket

Video Links:

Personnel: Mark Grodzinsky

cPacket’s evolution and journey from fabless ASIC company from Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to a leading network observability solution based on packet-data with a product portfolio that includes packet-brokering and delivery, packet-capture, packet-analytics and AI for Network Observability, empowering the NetOps teams of the most demanding enterprises.

Intel Demo: AI Inference on Intel IPUs

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Intel Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Intel

Video Links:

Personnel: Cody McCain

See a demo on how Intel’s IPUs can be used to enhance AI inference. See how east/west load balancing can be expedited through IPU technology and can enhance HA needs for AI workloads.

Intel Demo: IPU Cloud Native Use Case

Event: Networking Field Day 35

Appearance: Intel Presents at Networking Field Day 35

Company: Intel

Video Links:

Personnel: Cody McCain

See a demo on how Intel’s IPU can be used in a cloud native use case. Watch Intel IPUs running on RHEL 9.4 and Red Hat OpenShift accelerate workloads and optimize communications for chaining network functions.