“Project Princess” at Gestalt IT
Gestalt IT
Gestalt IT creates and shares content for IT practitioners, helping them to keep up to date and see what’s coming next.
Intel Data Center Update with Tech Field Day
Join Intel’s Navin Shenoy, executive vice president in the Data Platforms Group, and Lisa Spelman, corporate vice president in the Xeon and Memory Group, on April 6 for the launch of the latest 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (code-named “Ice Lake”) and the latest additions to Intel’s hardware and software portfolio targeting data centers, […]
Tech Field Day at NGINX Sprint 2020
Join Tech Field Day at NGINX Sprint, September 15-17. 2020! The Field Day delegate panel will be part of Sprint all three days, with a special Field Day Roundtable on September 15, Field Day Demos on September 16, and the Hackathon on September 17! Live streaming video will be provided on the special NGINX Sprint […]