Policy Management Gets Easier With Cisco AI Assistant

Cisco’s AI Assistant, unveiled at Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live EMEA 2024, promises to revolutionize policy management within Secure Access, offering swift and reliable creation and enforcement of security policies. Emphasizing simplicity and risk reduction, the AI tool handles English language prompts to generate comprehensive policies, demonstrating its capability to securely augment and automate IT administrator tasks. Showcasing AI’s monitoring role, Cisco Secure Access also ensures protected use of AI tools within organizations, preventing sensitive data breaches and incorporating intelligent user access control.

Cisco Live EMEA and Tech Field Day Extra Embodies “Better Together”

Attending Cisco Live EMEA and Tech Field Day Extra as a single mother on maternity leave, Zoe Rose highlighted the significance of community in shaping careers while juggling the demands of parenthood. Her experience underscores not only the flexibility and inclusion of these industry events but also the support structures that make participation feasible for parents. Rose’s story is an inspiring testament to the power of community and organizational support in fostering professional growth, even amidst the complexities of personal life transitions.

Cisco Live TFDx 2024 – Meraki and Catalyst Wireless, Better Together!

Attending Tech Field Day at Cisco Live EMEA 2024 allowed Dan Jones to witness the impressive integration of the 9800 WLC into Meraki for simplified monitoring – a boon for helpdesk engineers. The ease of setup, requiring just Meraki Cloud service activation and a claim code, makes advanced network management accessible without extra costs, leveraging existing DNA licensing. This innovation is particularly advantageous for companies lacking the resources to implement a fully-fledged DNA-C appliance, streamlining operations with the tools they already possess. Read more in this article!

Catalyst 9300-M: Power Meets Simplicity!

The recent fusion of Cisco’s Catalyst and Meraki technologies caught the eye of Girard Kavelines, with the launch of the Catalyst 9300-M series switches presented at Cisco Live EMEA—a hybrid that combines the robust Catalyst hardware and the simplicity of Meraki’s cloud-managed dashboard. This range stands out with its impressive features such as up to 90W of PoE per port, 1T StackWise capabilities, and zero-touch provisioning, all integrated seamlessly into the Meraki interface for unparalleled power and user-friendly operation. With Cisco Meraki’s commitment to innovation and cloud integration, the new series not only streamlines network management but also sets a new standard for engineering excellence in the cloud era, available to order beginning February 13th.

Excitement Abounds at Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live EMEA 2024

Tech Field Day is ready to bring more insightful content at Cisco Live EMEA 2024 in Amsterdam, making an early impact with a schedule full of authoritative presentations from Cisco, IP Fabric, and NetBox Labs. The event kicks off with Cisco Enterprise Networking, including Meraki, followed by the Mass Scale Infrastructure team with intriguing new developments. Tune in for the live streams, join engaging security and networking discussions, and for those not in Europe, replays will be available on the Tech Field Day YouTube channel, ensuring no one misses out on this must-attend tech gathering.

Next-Level Client Wi-Fi Visibility With Cisco’s Three-Way Partnership

Cisco is elevating enterprise Wi-Fi monitoring and optimization through a data-centric approach, as discussed by Minse Kim at Mobility Field Day. Their strategic partnerships with leading device vendors, prominently including Samsung, Intel, and Apple, allow unprecedented access to extended device data, fostering better Wi-Fi experiences for the end user. By harnessing rich analytics from millions of devices in the Meraki Cloud, this collaboration is redefining troubleshooting and operational efficiency in Wi-Fi networks. Read about it at Gestalt IT or watch Cisco’s presentation from the Mobility Field Day event here at the website.

Catalyst Gets a Meraki Makeover With the Catalyst 9300-M Switch Series

Cisco’s Catalyst 9300 series switches have been given a “Meraki makeover,” offering the robust performance of Catalyst with the seamless, intuitive user experience of Meraki, right from Day 0. This hybrid approach promises to simplify network management for customers familiar with Catalyst’s reliability but eager for Meraki’s agile management and cloud integration, as demonstrated during Cisco’s recent Networking Field Day event. Catalyst Meraki 9300 series, touted for its adaptability and security features like Adaptive Policy, bridges hardware legacy and modern cloud management, streamlining operations for the most demanding network environments. Read the article at Gestalt IT, or watch the presentation from the Networking Field Day event here on the website.

Cisco Presents… at Mobility Field Day 10

Keith R. Parsons attended Mobility Field Day 10, where Cisco focused on solutions that enhance user experience and operational efficiency. They delved into advancements in Wi-Fi 6 and 6E technologies, illustrating how their implementation can lead to significant performance improvements. Cisco’s comprehensive approach positions them as a key player in the evolving landscape of wireless mobility, ready to meet the needs of modern networks.

Asking the Right Question About the Wireless Future

Tom Hollingsworth comments on Nick Swiatecki’s hesitations about the transition to Wi-Fi 7 during Cisco’s Mobility Field Day presentation. Tom highlights why the technology may not be ready for widespread adoption. His presentation underscored the gap between infrastructure readiness and client device compatibility with new wireless standards, likening premature deployments to utilizing cables incompatible with client Ethernet connections. His insights reinforce that while hardware progresses, significant performance gains are achieved through iterative improvements and harmonization of technology, rather than rushing to adopt the latest version number.

Cisco/Meraki – #MFD10

In this LinkedIn post, David Oliver discuss Mobility Field Day 10, where Cisco unveiled their latest innovations, notably the integration of wireless controllers with the Meraki dashboard, streamlining network monitoring and management. This update, particularly benefiting Cisco 9800 series controllers, enables easy onboarding and monitoring through Meraki’s cloud interface, leveraging existing DNA licenses without added costs. Cisco’s commitment to cloud solutions and simplification of network administration was clear, as they outlined the seamless process and potential future enhancements in monitoring and configuration capabilities.

Cisco Presents at Mobility Field Day 10

Mike Bolitho discusses the Cisco presentation at Mobility Field Day 10, where they highlighted their new cloud-enabled hybrid option for wireless solutions, offering the best of both on-premises and cloud management to large organizations like hospitals. This approach allows for centralized monitoring and troubleshooting while retaining on-prem control, providing a single pane of glass for support teams through the Meraki Dashboard. This integration creates significant value for enterprises with existing DNA licenses, as it enables seamless visibility and management of both Cisco Catalyst and Meraki deployments without additional licensing costs.

Cisco/Meraki Newly Unified Wireless Folks Talk at Mobility Field Day 10

Lee Badman dives into Cisco Networking’s recent discussion of wireless strategy developments at the Tech Field Day Mobility Field Day in San Jose in a new LinkedIn article. Taking note of the unification of Cisco and Meraki products, he shares his concerns as a long-term customer about preserving Meraki’s operationally reliable and bug-free aspect. He appeals to Cisco to leave any customer-facing issues behind as they advance, hoping for success in their transformation process.

Cisco Presents at MFD10

In this LinkedIn article, Troy Martin recounts Cisco’s presentation at the recent Mobility Field Day event. The tech giant showcased its commitment to delivering simplified outcomes for a diverse customer base with its three-pronged solution model: on-prem, cloud-enabled, and cloud-first. Cisco also highlighted the importance of enabling features such as 11r on networks for improved performance, and introduced two new APs, the CW9163E and CW9166D1, affirming its innovative strides in the tech field.

Cisco/Meraki Newly Unified Wireless Folks Talk at Mobility Field Day 10

In this LinkedIn article, Lee Badman discusses a recent conversation with the Cisco Meraki team about their newly unified wireless offerings. Emphasizing the nuanced changes and additions such as advanced features and dual 5 GHz functionality, Badman offers the updated Cisco Meraki’s solutions as a strong competitor in the wireless networking market. He appreciates the team’s focus on not just delivering features, but also simplifying complex workflows in the evolving field of wireless networking.

Catalyst & Meraki: Together at Last!

Girard Kavelines explores how Cisco’s acquisition of Meraki has facilitated leveraging Meraki’s cloud capabilities on both Catalyst and Meraki switch platforms. With offerings such as the MS130 and 130SR, and the introduction of the rugged MS13OR switch, mixed environments now have a unified, scalable solution with enhanced security, connectivity, and performance. The blog post also highlights zero-touch provisioning as a key feature, simplifying network management and deployment through Cloud configuration.

Wrapping Up a Year of Wireless With Mobility Field Day 10

Mobility Field Day 10, set to take place on November 15-16, 2023, promises a varied lineup of presentations from Cisco, Wyebot, Nile, and Ventev, offering cutting-edge solutions in wireless and mobility technology. This two-day event will feature a mixture of hardware reveals, technology updates, and discussions about the future of wireless tech. Viewers can tune into the live presentations streamed on the Tech Field Day website and join the conversation on the Tech Field Day LinkedIn page.

Network Field Day 33 – Day 1 – Cisco/Meraki

In this YouTube video, Jordan Villarreal explores the latest from Cisco Meraki regarding their hardware and software offerings. Presented in the context of their recent Networking Field Day 33 presentation, the video offers an in-depth analysis of these technological innovations.

Meraki and Catalyst Living in Harmony

Tim Bertino explores the collaborative evolution of Cisco Meraki and Catalyst in his recent LinkedIn article. The piece emphasizes the augmentation of cross-platform support between the brands without compromising on their individual product offerings – effectively a ‘best of both worlds’ approach. Bertino celebrates the flexibility this provides customers, allowing them to select the hardware platform that meets their needs while managing it through the Meraki Dashboard, and he highlights the unification of the security solution across platforms.

BackBox- Network Vulnerability Manager

Girard Kavelines delves into the technical advantages of BackBox’s Network Vulnerability Manager, a system designed to proactively combat cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. The Network Vulnerability Manager can identify and prioritize vulnerabilities as they appear, automating patches and upgrades across network devices for efficient remediation. The tool also enables multi-step upgrades in a seamless process, cutting down on intervention and enhancing the overall security of networks.

Network Field Day 33 – Day 0

Jordan Villarreal shares his excitement about Network Field Day 33 in this YouTube video. With leading names such as Cisco, Nokia, Fortinet, and Intel as well as new faces like Graphiant and RG Nets, the event provides significant insights into the ever-evolving networking domain. The topics range from versatile network solutions to edge gateways and from switching platforms to the anticipated wildcard entry of Intel.