Tech Field Day Exclusive at Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day
Al Rasheed will join the delegates ranks again for a very exciting event, Tech Field Day Exclusive At Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day. We’re all excited to hear what Intel will be talking about at the event. We’ve got a live stream and Gestalt IT will be live blogging everything, so be sure to join us for the event.
Tech Field Day Exclusive at Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day
Nathaniel Avery will be a delegate at Tech Field Day Exclusive At Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day. While Intel has put out some releases regarding the event, a bit of a mystery still remains. Nathaniel is looking forward to getting some more details at the event. You can watch along on the live stream to get the full details with Nathaniel!
Intel’s Crossover Point: A 3D Spork?
Stephen Foskett will definitely be watching what Intel is presenting at Tech Field Day Exclusive at Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day. In this post, he looks at the current state of Intel Optane. After a blunted debut in a SSD format, the new DIMM form factor comes closer to what the promise of 3D Xpoint was initially. But for Stephen, it still seems stuck in an uncanny valley in the current classical computing model between storage and memory.
Meet Field Day Delegate – Brian Gleason
We’re thrilled to have Brian Gleason joining us for Tech Field Day Exclusive at Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day. Before watching what Intel is presenting, be sure to get to know all the new faces around the table. Gestalt IT has been interviewing all our new delegates for the event, and Brian is no exception. Be sure to check out his interview to get some background, where he sees IT going in the near term, and what he does when he’s not working in IT.
Meet Field Day Delegate – Keith Townsend
Keith Townsend is no stranger to Field Day. But after having a stint on the company side, he’s back on the independent analyst beat. Before he goes to our Tech Field Day Exclusive at Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day, Mel Zura got to know him a little better for Gestalt IT’s Meet the Delegates series.
Meet Field Day Delegate – Denny Cherry
Denny Cherry is joining us for Tech Field Day Exclusive at Intel Data-Centric Innovation Day. As a new delegate, Gestalt IT got to ask him to question to introduce him to the larger IT community. Find out how he got into IT, his first computer, and more.
Tech Field Day Exclusive at Intel’s Data-Centric Innovation Day
Matt Leib is looking forward to hearing from Intel at their Data-Centric Innovation Day. Although the content will be a surprise, he expects that it will be quite interesting!