What’s Causing a Skills Shortage in Mainframe?

Sulagna Saha of Gestalt IT discusses a growing skills gap in the mainframe IT sector that risks impacting businesses depending on this technology. Factors contributing to the shortage include the sector’s outdated image, insufficient training programs, and the allure of newer technologies for tech talents. She emphasizes the need for increased training investments and educational reforms to attract and prepare new candidates for crucial mainframe roles, underscoring the importance of modernizing perceptions of mainframe technology. Read more and watch the delegate discussion from SHARE Kansas City 2024!

Tech Field Day Session Recap: #3 Broadcom

Derek Britton recaps Broadcom’s Tech Field Day session at the SHARE conference in Kansas City, focusing on their observability solution, WatchTower. This tool is designed to simplify the identification and resolution of critical incidents in mainframe environments by leveraging machine learning and automation. WatchTower aims to consolidate various tasks and tools into a single platform, tailored to the needs of different user roles, and integrates with other enterprise IT tools like ServiceNow and DataDog. The session highlighted Broadcom’s attention to user personas and their efforts to unify observability across hybrid infrastructures. Read more in this LinkedIn Pulse article!

TechFieldDay Session Recap #2: PopUp Mainframe

At the Tech Field Day event at the SHARE conference, PopUp Mainframe showcased its innovative solution for on-demand mainframe environments, allowing organizations to create and deploy mainframes quickly and flexibly, both on-premises and in the cloud. By addressing bottlenecks in mainframe development and testing, PopUp enables agile project delivery, reduces hardware costs, and integrates seamlessly with standard DevOps toolchains. CEO Gary Thornhill highlighted the ability to set up fully functional mainframe environments in just minutes, making it a game-changer for organizations needing to accelerate their mainframe delivery cycles. Read more in this LinkedIn Pulse article by Derek Britton.

TechFieldDay Session Recap: BMC

In a recent Tech Field Day session, BMC presented the firm’s strategic initiatives focused on boosting IT management efficiency through advanced automation and AI/ML integration. They discussed the transformative impact of cloud computing in IT and how BMC’s tailored solutions are designed to streamline operations and enhance both performance and user experience. This presentation highlighted BMC’s proactive stance on addressing the ongoing challenges faced by IT professionals in the modern enterprise landscape. Read more in this LinkedIn Pulse article by Field Day delegate Derek Britton.

Derek Britton

Technology Marketing Leader, Advisor, and Commentator