GreyBeards talk AgenticAI with Luke Norris, CEO&Co-founder, Kamiwaza AI

In a recent episode of the GreyBeards on Storage podcast, Ray Lucchesi and Jason Collier engaged in a compelling conversation with Luke Norris, CEO and Co-founder of Kamiwaza AI. They discussed the innovative approach of AgenticAI, exploring its potential impact on the tech industry following the Kamiwaza presentation at AI Field Day 6.

Computational (DNA) Storage – End of Evolution Part 4

Ray Lucchesi explains the progression of DNA storage as presented by SNIA at the recent Storage Field Day event. The author explains the concept of computational storage in DNA strands and elaborates on the potential efficiency of this methodology in terms of data density and orchestration. The article implies that the technology is still in its nascent phase with accuracy rates around 70-80%, but suggests a promising future with the incorporation of innovative features like error-correcting codes (ECC).

155: GreyBeards SDC23 Wrap Up Podcast With Dr. J Metz, Technical Dir. Of Systems Design AMD and Chair of SNIA BoD

Dr. J Metz, Technical Director of Systems Design at AMD and Chair of SNIA BoD, recently made a guest appearance on the GreyBeards on Storage podcast, detailing highlights from the Storage Developers Conference 2023 and Storage Field Day and charting the ongoing research directions of SNIA. The discussion touched on topics from DNA data storage and Smart Data Transfer Interfaces (SDXI) to challenges and future opportunities in storage and memory sectors. With a track record of deconstructing complex systems and technologies, Dr. Metz’s expertise in storage networking constitutes essential listening for professionals and enthusiasts in the IT industry.

118: GreyBeards Talks Cloud-Native Object Storage With Greg DiFraia, Scality and Stephen Bacon, HPE

In one of the latest GreyBeards On Storage Podcasts, Ray Lucchesi and Keith Townsend talk with HPE’s Stephen Bacon and Scality’s Greg DiFraia to talk about their joint partnership to release ARTESCA: a new cloud native object storage solution. The Scality-HPE solution ARTESCA was announced at a Tech Field Day Exclusive event last month where Ray was a delegate. On the podcast they discuss the direction of the IT world, edge solutions, and of course ARTESCA! Head over to the GreyBeards On Storage page to listen to the full, enlightening conversation

115-GreyBeards Talk Database Acceleration With Moshe Twitto, CTO&Co-founder, Pliops

Earlier this year, Ray Lucchesi had the opportunity to join us as a delegate at Storage Field Day and got to learn about Pliops at the event. In this episode of the Greybeards on Storage podcast, they are joined by Moshe Twitto, CTO and Co-Founder at Pliops, to discuss Pliops’ technology. To learn more and listen to the full conversation, check out this episode!

106: Greybeards Talk Intel’s New HPC File System With Kelsey Prantis, Senior Software Eng. Manager, Intel

At Storage Field Day, delegate Ray Lucchesi had the opportunity to see Intel present on their new Optane Persistent Memory (PMEM) technology. In the latest episode of his podcast, GreyBeards On Storage, he talks with Intel’s Senior Software Engineering Manager Kelsey Prantis about Intel’s DAOS (Distributed Architecture Object Storage), a new HPC (high performance computing) file system. Ray writes that “DAOS represents the birth of a new generation of HPC storage.” Check out Ray’s GreyBeards On Storage podcast to hear their informative conversation!

097: GreyBeards Talk Open Source S3 Object Store With AB Periasamy, CEO MinIO

Keith Townsend and Ray Lucchesi published an interview with MinIO CEO Anand Babu Periasamy. Ray got to hear from him and the rest of the MinIO team recently at Storage Field Day. MinIO offers a fully open source AWS S3 compatible object store that you can run anywhere, something particularly timely as more organizations turn to them. This allows customers to turn away from costly cloud object stores, and deploy in their own data centers for better economics at scale. They discuss how the company is developing features to match Amazon S3, and dig into the tech in the interview.

91: Keith and Ray Show at CommvaultGO 2019

In this podcast, Ray Lucchesi and Keith Townsend give their impressions of Tech Field Day Exclusive at Commvault GO 2019. The event was their first chance to talk to Commvault’s new CEO Sanjay Mirchandani. They also got to hear about Commvault Metallic, get details about what the company will do with the Hedvig acquisition, and more.

89: Keith & Ray Show at Pure//Accelerate 2019

On this episode of the GreyBeardsOnStorage Podcast, Keith Townsend and Ray Lucchesi look at the major announcements from Pure Accelerate. They got a lot of in-depth technical presentations as part of the Storage Field Day Exclusive at the event, and they dig into the implications of DirectMemory, FlashArray//C, CloudBlockStore, and more.

Greybeards on Storage

GreyBeards on Storage is a IT industry podcast hosted by Ray Lucchesi and co-hosted by one of a band of (older) IT people, that have been around the industry a long, long time and have a good, in-depth understanding of today’s storage, server, and data center trends and developments.

82: GreyBeards Talk Composable Infrastructure With Sumit Puri, CEO & Co-Founder, Liqid Inc.

Greg Schulz and Ray Lucchesi got to speak with Liqid CEO Sumit Puri on this episode of the Greybeards on Storage podcast. They discussed how Liqid composable infrastructure approach differs from competitors with more of a storage focus. They then discuss the newly announced multi-fabric composability solution, which the delegates at Tech Field Day Extra at Dell Technologies World got a deep dive on. They discuss how Liqid’s solution works, and where it is being used.

76: GreyBeards talk backup content, GDPR and cyber security with Jim McGann, VP Mkt & Bus. Dev., Index Engines

In this episode of the Greybeards on Storage podcast, Ray Lucchesi and Howard Marks talked with Jim McGann, VP Marketing and Business Development at Index Engines. Jim presented at Dell EMC’s session at Tech Field Day last month. They discussed the company’s CyberSense solution, along with GDPR and indexing backups.

71: GreyBeards talk DP appliances with Sharad Rastogi, Sr. VP & Ranga Rajagopalan, Sr. Dir., Dell EMC DPD

In this episode of the Greybeards on Storage podcast, Ray Lucchesi and Howard Marks spoke to Sharad Rastogi & Ranga Rajagopalan from Dell EMC’s Data Protection division. They discuss the company’s new IDPA DP4400, which was also detailed at their Tech Field Day Extra presentation from VMworld US 2018. This provides up to 96TB of usable capacity for secondary storage and backups, while also providing up to 192TB of a native Cloud Tier.

72: GreyBeards talk Computational Storage with Scott Shadley, VP Marketing NGD Systems

This episode of the Greybeards on Storage podcast features a conversation with NGD Systems’ VP of Marketing, Scott Shadley, who presented at Storage Field Day earlier this year. They talk about their smart SDDs, which will become generally available by the end of 2018. These SSDs each have a 4-core ARM processor running Ubuntu. This allows any workload that can run on Ubuntu to be performed directly on the storage layer. They look at what these drives are capable of, and how they could be deployed by organization in the near future.

73: GreyBeards talk HCI with Gabriel Chapman, Sr. Mgr. Cloud Infrastructure NetApp

This episode of the Greybeards on Storage podcast features a conversation with NetApp’s Senior Manager, Cloud Infrastructure, Gabriel Chapman. Andy presented to hosts Ray Lucchesi and Howard Marks at Tech Field Day Extra at NetApp Insight 2018. They discuss NetApp’s approach to HCI. Their architecture pairs NetApp Solidfire storage nodes with dedicated compute nodes. Their overall approach is less focused with a strict definition of HCI, and more based around being relevant for hybrid cloud infrastructure.

75: GreyBeards talk persistent memory IO with Andy Grimes, Principal Technologist, NetApp

This episode of the Greybeards on Storage podcast features a conversation with NetApp’s Principal Technologist, Andy Grimes. Andy presented to hosts Ray Lucchesi and Howard Marks at Tech Field Day Extra at NetApp Insight 2018, where he presented on MAX Data. This software-defined persistent memory solution comes out of the assets from NetApp’s Plexistor acquisition. They discuss some of the technical details, how it is designed to use emerging persistent memory, and use cases for the enterprise.

54: GreyBeards talk scale-out secondary storage with Jonathan Howard, Dir. Tech. Alliances at Commvault

Ray Lucchesi and Howard Marks talked to Jonathan Howard on the most recent GreyBeards on Storage podcast. Jonathan is the Director of Technical Alliances at Commvault, and they discuss the company’s move into the secondary storage market with Hyperscale, and how that combines with their data management solutions.

GreyBeards talk Copy Data Management with Ash Ashutosh, CEO Actifio

GreyBeards talk Copy Data Management with Ash Ashutosh, CEO Actifio

33: GreyBeards talk HPC storage with Frederic Van Haren, founder HighFens & formerly Sr. Director of HPC at Nuance

33: GreyBeards talk HPC storage with Frederic Van Haren, founder HighFens & formerly Sr. Director of HPC at Nuance

PB are the new TB, GreyBeards talk with Brian Carmody, CTO Inifinidat

PB are the new TB, GreyBeards talk with Brian Carmody, CTO Inifinidat