This video is part of the appearance, “CloudGenix Presents at Networking Field Day 22“. It was recorded as part of Networking Field Day 22 at 16:00-18:00 on February 12, 2020.
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Zscaler and CloudGenix provide best-of-breed Secure SD-WAN for enterprises of all sizes. Deploying best-of-breed SD-WAN and Security has in the past meant needing to deploy multiple hardware products or using mediocre “all-in-one” solutions from legacy vendors. A new joint solution that combines CloudGenix Autonomous WAN with Zscaler cloud security solutions eliminates this compromise! Learn how you can deploy best-of-breed Secure SD-WAN that is pre-integrated, requires no additional hardware or software to deploy at the remote office and lays the foundation for a Zero-trust security architecture.
Personnel: Mike Korenbaum