This video is part of the appearance, “Infrascale Presents at Storage Field Day 22“. It was recorded as part of Storage Field Day 22 at 8:00-9:30 on August 4, 2021.
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Infrascale Backup & Disaster Recovery (IBDR) is a hybrid cloud disaster recovery solution that helps mitigate the downtime caused by server crashes, ransomware attacks, or natural disasters. IBDR does this through simple and fast backup and restore of files and folders, or full server and virtual machine failover and failback. During this section we will provide an overview of IBDR including demos of the three primary components of the solution: Backup, Recovery, and Failback. Presented by Brian Kuhn, Chief Operating Officer, and Chris Bayne, Chief Solutions Architect, Infrascale.
Personnel: Brian Kuhn, Chris Bayne