This video is part of the appearance, “Cisco Kubernetes Multicloud Presents at Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live US 2018“. It was recorded as part of Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live US 2018 at 10:40 - 12:15 on June 13, 2018.
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Kubernetes is emerging as the de-facto container run-time and orchestration solution as customers accelerate adoption of containerized, cloud native, application architectures. Developers are adopting containers as a faster and more efficient way to create and deploy quality software to execute their digital transformation strategies. But, running Kubernetes in production can be complicated, slow, and siloed from existing workloads, undermining speed and raising cost of application development. Learn how Cisco is setting a new standard for Kubernetes in production by allowing enterprises to seamlessly deploy, monitor, and optimize Kubernetes applications in any cloud, with Cisco Container Platform, Cisco CloudCenter, and AppDynamics.
Personnel: Jeremy Oakey