This video is part of the appearance, “NGINX Presents at Cloud Field Day 11“. It was recorded as part of Cloud Field Day 11 at 8:00-10:00 on June 24, 2021.
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You’ve successfully deployed NGINX in one cloud, but whoops you forget there’s a resource that you need in ANOTHER Cloud! Setup site-to-site IPSEC tunnels? This is OK for a handful of connections, but can quickly spider out of control as the number of your cloud networks increases.
In this session Eric Chen, Sr. Solutions Architect, presents the F5 Volterra approach to securely bridging cloud environments and reduce the complexity of having to be a cloud expert. We’ll start with an overview of the Volterra solution and look at a specific demonstration of how it can be used to expose an AWS PrivateLink service (S3 bucket) to an Azure VNET and/or on-prem data center.
Personnel: Eric Chen