This video is part of the appearance, “Sysdig Presents at Cloud Field Day 5“. It was recorded as part of Cloud Field Day 5 at 14:00-15:30 on April 10, 2019.
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Loris Degioanni, the founder of Sysdig, was a co-creator of WireShark, an open-source packet analyzer still used for network troubleshooting and analysis today. Loris’ insight during the early days of the cloud led him to realize there was going to be a major visibility problem in the cloud driven by the drastic increase in data and the ephemeral nature of containers. Thinking through this problem, he created Sysdig, a unified data approach to the cloud. Security, monitoring, and forensics start with a simple fact – data is data. Why silo data as “security data” or “performance data” when you can bring all of it to bear on any given problem?
Personnel: Loris Degioanni