This video is part of the appearance, “Cisco Presents at Wireless Field Day 4“. It was recorded as part of Wireless Field Day 4 at 09:30-11:30 on February 15, 2013.
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Meraki Co-Founder and CEO, Sanjit Biswas, updates the Wireless Field Day 4 delegates on Cisco’s recent acquisition of his company. Sanjit discusses Cisco’s plans for the Meraki product line as well as the future of the cloud-managed platform at Meraki and within Cisco and rumors of a tie-in with Cisco’s divestment of Linksys. Meraki has a new building in San Francisco and is building new products. Delegates ask about cultural change within Meraki, the value of Meraki’s “make a wish” user interface for direct feedback, the future of Meraki’s product line, and international plans.
Personnel: Sanjit Biswas