Greg Grimes

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I have been dabbling in computers since the late 80s. It started when my dad bought a TRS-80 CoCo. I quickly became fascinated with computers. After a stint in the Air Force I got out in 2000 and started at MSU and received my B.S. in Computer Science.
Thankfully I was hired by Frank Peters to work in Network Services for MSU that same year. I worked in that group for over 16 years. In the fall of 2020 I got the opportunity to work for North Mississippi Health Services. So, taking a leap of faith I started in Nov 2020 as a Senior Systems Specialists. As of June 2022 I am a Senior Systems Engineer at C Spire Business. This will be a sales engineer role. A new type of job for me, but I’m excited!

I am a certified PADI Dive Master and love to go diving anytime I get the chance.

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