Intel Data Center Update with Tech Field Day
Join Intel’s Navin Shenoy, executive vice president in the Data Platforms Group, and Lisa Spelman, corporate vice president in the Xeon and Memory Group, on April 6 for the launch of the latest 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors (code-named “Ice Lake”) and the latest additions to Intel’s hardware and software portfolio targeting data centers, […]
Tech Field Day Extra at VMworld 2020
Since 2010, Tech Field Day has joined VMworld in the United States and around the world, bringing extra coverage and attention to sponsors. This year, as VMworld goes virtual and global, we have scheduled extra Tech Field Day presentations from VMware and others. Our presentations follow one week after the main event so everyone can […]
Tech Field Day at NGINX Sprint 2020
Join Tech Field Day at NGINX Sprint, September 15-17. 2020! The Field Day delegate panel will be part of Sprint all three days, with a special Field Day Roundtable on September 15, Field Day Demos on September 16, and the Hackathon on September 17! Live streaming video will be provided on the special NGINX Sprint […]
Cloud Field Day 8
Cloud Field Day 8 is an extra-special event with two delegate panels! Because this virtual event features delegates and presenters from around the world, we have split our schedule into “early” and “late” sessions, each with its own 12-delegate panel and presenting companies. Add Cloud Field Day 8 to your calendar by downloading the CFD8 […]
Tech Field Day Virtual Cisco Live Experience
Update: Cisco Live has been postponed. This event is part of Cisco Live. Per Chuck Robbins’ message, this event was rescheduled to June 18 and 29, 2020.
Tech Field Day Virtual with Red Hat
Recordings of all of these sessions will be posted to our YouTube page shortly after the event concludes. We welcome your comments and questions: Please tweet using hashtags #OpenShift and #TFDx and we will relay them to the presenters and Field Day delegates.
Tech Field Day 21
Important Update: In light of travel restrictions due to the global spread of COVID-19, we have switched Tech Field Day 21 to a “virtual event” with the delegates and presenters participating online. We will be updating the schedule on our website as presentations are rescheduled and confirmed.