Our very own Tom Hollingsworth joined Field Day delegates Chris Grundemann and Zoe Rose on their new Imposter Syndrome Podcast. They discussed Tom’s role as an Event Lead for Tech Field Day and what his day-to-day operations looks like for tech events. Check out what he has to say!
Top 7 Network Engineering Conferences Ranked
Phil Gervasi gives his opinion on network engineering conferences and why the Networking Field Day event is at the top of his list. Check out his thoughts on his website, NetworkPhil, and be sure to catch all of the latest updates and presentations on the Tech Field Day website!
Tech Field Day 26
Check out what it means to Emre Özensoy to be selected as a Tech Field Day delegate! You can read his post on the Gestalt IT website and you can find all the videos from Tech Field Day on the Tech Field Day website.
Should You Bash Your Storage Competitor?
Check out this post from Chin-Fah Heoh on Storage Gaga or on the Tech Field Day website about how technology-based companies and their marketing competitors are turning a blind eye to unnecessary bashing habits in the storage networking industries.
My Approach to Being a Tech Field Day Delegate
Jordan Villarreal gives his opinion on how first-time delegates can maximize their time and impact while participating in Field Day events. Check out his thoughts on his YouTube channel, System MTU One, and be sure to check out all of the content from past Field Day events on the Tech Field Day website!
Network Field Day 29 – Full Event Recap and Gush Session
Check out Jordan Villarreal’s recap of Networking Field Day, the sponsors, the delegates, and the Tech Field Day Staff! You can check out all of his videos on his YouTube page, System MTU One, and be sure to check out all of the videos from Networking Field Day on the Tech Field Day website!
The Imposter Syndrome Network Podcast: Girard Kavelines
Check out the latest podcast by Chris Grundermann and Zoe Rose as they interview Girard Kavelines to hear his take on balancing both life and the IT world. A managed service systems analyst and founder of his own website, TechHouse570, Girard sheds light on taking opportunities and utilizing fatherhood to help him achieve his goals. Check it out on The Imposter Syndrome Network Podcast or check into the Tech Field Day website for more.
Becoming a Techfield Day Delegate
Becoming a delegate for a Tech Field Day Event is quite the opportunity, as Mario Gingras discovered at the latest Mobility Field Day Event. Filled with technical discussions, camaraderie and unique presentations, a Tech Field Day Delegate is in for a treat. Having been a delegate twice now, Mario dives into what it means, how it applies to the enterprise IT world, and why others should take the opportunity to engage with other like-minded individuals at any Tech Field Day event. Check out what he has to say here!
It Started With a Blog…
In his most recent post, Eric Wright talks about his very first experience with Stephen Foskett and Tech Field Day at 2014’s Virtualization Field Day! He goes into more detail on how these small interactions made a huge impact in his career. We love to hear feedback like this from our delegates, check out what else Eric has to say!
Taking a Look at Influencer Marketing From Behind the Table
Drew Lentz writes about his recent experience at Cisco Live US and is taken away by behind the tables scene! In this post, he gives insight into how he thinks about influencer marketing. Check out Drew’s thoughts here.
Death to Murder Mystery Marketing
In this article, Field Day delegates, Justin Warren, gives a few tips on how to be a successful Field Day presenter. Check out his thoughts here!
Predicting the Future of Technology Influencers
Take a look here at Chris Evans’ blog on the future of technical influencers! He goes into detail on events of 2022, being on-site versus remote, and how the pandemic has affected the IT industry.
As a Network Delegate…
Jeremy Shulman will be attending the May Networking Field Day as a delegate. In this post he discusses what he will be looking for from presenting companies and what he isn’t going to be too interested in. Check out his thoughts here!
theITHollow Turns 10 Years Old
Eric Shanks, a Field Day delegate, celebrates 10 years of his personal site, theITHollow. He gives a special shoutout to Tech Field Day and Stephen Foskett for the opportunities gained within the delegate community. Congrats Eric!
2021 Year in Review
Ned Bellavance, a Field Day delegate, shares what his 2021 year looked like through a professional and personal point of view. Check out which Tech Field Day events Ned attended, along with other random and sundry events that he was a part of this past year. We always love to see what our delegates are up to!
Start Your Engines for Networking Field Day – Service Provider
Best get excited; we’re kicking off a whole new Field Day event: Networking Field Day – Service Providers! A diversion from the usual Tech Field Day event, this new event will welcome a new crowd of organizations that provide networking services, showing off their expertise in the field of networking. The event takes place December 8-10, 2021, so be sure to tune in!
12 Must-Join Communities for IT and Tech Professionals
At Tech Field Day, we pride ourselves on being a supportive community of IT and tech professionals from around the world. A big thank you to BlueCat Networks for the shout out in their article on “must join” communities in the tech world! We certainly think we’re alright, we’re just glad to hear someone else does too! Be sure to check out the full article on the BlueCat Networks blog.
Home Office Setup for Remote Events on a Budget
If there is one thing that we’ve all had to work through this year, it’s finding a way to improve our our work from home setups without breaking the bank. For our Tech Field Day delegates, that means also having equipment that will help them look and sound their best for the moments that they’ll be on camera for a wide audience. Delegate Gian Paolo Boarina shared how he made his setup work heading into Networking Field Day this year. We thought his setup provided good sound and video quality, but you can be the judge yourself by checking out the Networking Field Day videos on our website!
Voices in Innovation – Enrico Signoretti Explores the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Online Events
In the latest episode of GigaOm: Voices in Innovation, Enrico Signoretti explores the successes and challenges around the transition to online events since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stephen Foskett (founder of Tech Field Day) & Ben Freedman (owner of Prime Image Media) join the podcast to talk through what they have found helpful to overcome the hurdles of implementing online events, including how they successfully transitioned Tech Field Day to an all virtual environment.
AI Field Day Is Coming
We recently announced the launch of a brand new Field Day event, AI Field Day! Haydn Andrews is definitely excited to see what the event has in store. AI has been gaining importance in IT for years now, but we’ve recently seen it reach a critical point, that requires a dedicated space to talk about advances in this emerging field. We hope the event will keep everyone in IT up to date on the latest and greatest.