Chris Williams

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Chris Williams is a Cloud Therapist and Enterprise Architect for WWT. There he helps customers design and deploy the next generation of public, private, and multi-cloud solutions, specializing in AWS and VMware. His first computer was a Commodore 64 and he’s been playing video games ever since.
Chris is an active community leader, co-organizing the AWS Boston User Group, and both hosts and presents on He is also an active mentor, helping students at the University of New Hampshire through Diversify Thinking—an initiative focused on empowering girls and women to pursue education and careers in STEM. Chris is a certified AWS Solutions Architect Professional, an AWS Hero, a VMware Certified Implementation Expert, and a VMware vExpert. He also blogs about virtualization, technology, and design at

Fun fact that Chris doesn’t want you to know: he has a degree in psychology so you can totally talk to him about your feelings.

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