Keith R. Parsons

Keith Parsons is Managing Director of Wireless LAN Professionals, Inc. A gifted presenter, Keith is known for his wit and broad technical experience. He holds 68 technical certifications (11 Wireless) and has earned an MBA from the Marriott School of Management. He is author (or editor) of a 30+ technical publications and has developed nine technical industry and vendor certifications.

Mr. Parsons is a sought after presenter for a variety of technical conferences on the subjects of Wireless LAN and Network Security/Penetration Testing. He travels throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia in behalf of a wide variety of IT vendors, explaining their products to networking professionals.

Keith is on the CWNP and CWNE Advisory Boards – and is CWNE #3. For the past 10 years Mr. Parsons has focused on Wireless LANs, both in providing high-quality customized training as well as WLAN design and consulting services with a variety of global corporations.

Keith R. Parsons will join us as a delegate at Mobility Field Day 13 on May 7, 2025!