From analytics and business intelligence to artificial intelligence and machine learning, businesses are adopting new data technologies. From the Chief Data Officer to the world of digital transformation, and in every area of enterprise infrastructure, AI is transforming IT. The goal of AI Field Day is to connect independent technologists with the latest developments in the field from the companies that are developing and applying AI and ML to IT infrastructure. In this way, AI Field Day is an evolution of our earlier Data Field Day, and connects with Cloud Field Day, Networking Field Day, and the other Tech Field Day events.
AI Field Day is a new event, launched in 2020, to focus on this new world. It will connect companies that have presented AI topics in the past, like Intel, Cisco, and Juniper Networks, with new Field Day delegates. We are also bringing in many of the delegates who have changed their focus from cloud, networking, security, mobility, and storage.
Presenting Sponsors
The following companies have presented AI and ML solutions for enterprise IT at past Field Day events and represent the type of company we expect to see at future AI Field Day events.
Recent AI Field Day Delegates
AI Field Day Events
The following events have included presentations specifically focused on enterprise AI and ML solutions.